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The event sounds fun! I wish I could make it - I'll be working until 11pm GMT (I'm in the US). I'd have better luck joining you on a Saturday or Sunday sometime. Have a blast!


In the meantime I'd love to join the LS. I've been keeping an eye out for one of you when I'm online but I think that we keep on missing each other (dang timezone differences!). Is there a particular day/time during the week that I could reach you for an invite?

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The event sounds fun! I wish I could make it - I'll be working until 11pm GMT (I'm in the US). I'd have better luck joining you on a Saturday or Sunday sometime. Have a blast!


In the meantime I'd love to join the LS. I've been keeping an eye out for one of you when I'm online but I think that we keep on missing each other (dang timezone differences!). Is there a particular day/time during the week that I could reach you for an invite?


I am usually online from afternoon GMT+2 time and then until anywhere between 1-5am GMT+2. Sundays and every second wednesday I'm not on as much due to social stuff, thursdays I tend to be on a little bit later in the day as well. 

I've been trying to look out for you as well but so far I havent been able to catch you, I'll keep on trying tho :) If I am not on Nailah, I might be on Thala'to Relehna or L'nessa Kasah.

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Trying to gauge some interest for an event next week, 24/4 at 7PM GMT.


The Kindred, a company of mercenaries will call combatants hither to aid them in a cause in Ishgard; assisting a friend of the Kindred in unveiling an artifact which may be of use to Ishgard. After the recent attack on the Steps of Faith, Ishgard can scarce spare knights in a cause which might be a hoax. How can one tell with those Midlanders of foreign lands?


There'll be combat involved. Lots of it.

Wounds will -not- be forced upon your characters, such is entirely up to the player.

Rolls will not be used; only free form. I trust the players are able to RP out their characters' abilities appropriately.


Public event, all are welcome.

Just trying to estimate how many'll participate, so I can get a feel of the amount of GMs required.


Bump, starts in 50


Edit: Feel free to send me a /tell in-game if you're planning on participating!

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