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Heavensward Digital Edition -20% (Official retailer)

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An official retailer (Green Man Gaming) is offering a voucher code atm which works on the preorder of Heavensward :)


Here is for the collector edition : http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/fr/en/pc/games/mmos/final-fantasy-xiv-heavensward-collectors-edition/#description


Here is for the normal edition : http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/fr/en/pc/games/mmos/final-fantasy-xiv-heavensward/


Here is the -20% code : JBTBG5-7GVTE8-W2YXRV


The code will cease to work the 20, I just bought mine for 40€ instead of 50€ :)

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This is actually the site I pre-ordered ARR from. I actually just bought Heavenward from there too. Though they sent me a email with a 25% off on the 19th. ( valid until 4pm UTC on Monday 23rd March)


It was a personal code to my account as I tried to see if it would let me buy another copy but no luck. So if anyone has used GMG I'd advise them to relook at their emails.

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Do you need CE of the original game to use CE of Heavensward? I was told that you did...


Basing my reply off of nothing but gut instinct:


That sounds like the dumbest rumor.


I thought it was ridiculous but people kept commenting on it so now I am paranoid.

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