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Another cat, gone and come again.

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So it's not like I've actually posted the fact that Kyrio has returned from the deep dark recesses of a hiatus umpteen billion times already, but since it's been over a year since Kyrio has been played the vast majority of his old connections seem long gone. 


Now, I've mostly been putting Kyrio into Ul'dah in the dun of the adventurer's guild there and he's met a few people, but I do want to RP in more places than Ul'dah, and have him meet people who don't normally go there!


So, to give a few specifics because broad, sweeping requests are difficult to deal with:


Kyrio is a Miqo'te male (Yes, another one). A Keeper, with dark red hair and ocean-blue eyes. He's a street-rat turned monk, ran around with Tirra Lirra, Endemerrin, Kesai, and others during his hay day. He was shy and untrusting, but once the trust was given, he was loyal to the end. Now he's back with a change to his personality, being much more friendly than when he disappeared.


PLOT: One of two possibilities. Or both, of course. One is he is a little too quick to trust with his newfound nature change and attempt to rebuild a friend-base and finds himself walking a moral line with the new friends. Two is that the friends he makes are generally good, but Perhaps too heroic and adventurous. He may be a fighter at heart, but I never played him with the ability to resist the Tempering. So as the heroic band sights higher acclaim and rewards, Kyrio finds himself in over his head. Of course, I'm open to other things too for discussion!



FRIENDS:Yes, please. The more the better. He's met and gotten along with several so far, but he's yet to find that slot where he can really fit in with any group. 



ROMANCE?: I won't lie. All my guys I hope to find that special girl for him but I also realize that a large amount of the population appears to either not be interested or already involved. Kyrio had a lover who left the game shortly before I did,  with the direction that she got pulled into a tear leading to the Void - Since she hunted void creatures anyway - so while he's hurting beneath his cheery expression, he longs to have the empty part of his heart filled again. 



And a reference pic! Fresh taken last night!




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Yhisa might be interested. She needs more friends, and reasons to visit other cities. Admitedly Ul'dah's Wealth and prosperty angle is quite a bit different from say.. Gridania where she spent the past five years.


She's gotten out and about but loves the color and wealth and fire of Ul'dah and would love to be shown its splendors!


 Friends and Love interests welcome.  Yhisa needs more than transient people in her life.

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D'eshel: Sure. Kyrio needs adventuring partners and a reason to get out! And OOCly, I still have to run the end story quests, surrounding Operation Archon. Being able to build a RP group to be able to do it and RP it as some other kind of anti-Garlean operation would be fabulous. 


Yhisa: Absolutely. What's interesting about Ul'Dah is that it has BOTH sides of the coin in the city. Check out the Pearl Lane near the market on the eastern side of the city, as well as walk around the wall on the outside. Both places, what you'll see will flat-out depress you with the beggars, homeless, shacks, tents, and lean-tos. It's a good environment for the more.. down-on-your-luck, orphan, or refugee personal back-stories to pop up.

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Hah, that little flash of pink in the background...I do believe that's little Roro, I tend to lurk at the Quicksand when I'm waiting to queue up for stuff :P


Anyway, if you're still up for connections I'd be glad to rp with you on her (or my alt, a miqo'te who's exploring for the first time in his life)! Roroko is a wholesale merchant who's been in Ul'dah for most of her life, and she really really wants to leave the city and go on an adventure. The problem is she's always loading herself up with work and doesn't have many friends, which I'm hoping to change by shoving her at more people, haha.

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