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*Hands out Coffee*


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Evening everyone...


*sips coffee*


I am known as Merser...


I am now your friendly local Java Nut/Snob... I have since ended many other MMOs as the Rp died off or the gameplay just was not decent at all (ie ESO). I have since been introduced back into FF. Having given up on it long ago. I have returned and to my surprise am enjoying myself... Now that being said I have seen Open world RP already(which considering I only started a few days ago is awesome) I myself have not gotten into the RP scene as of yet as i wanted to poke my nose around in here first...


So I suppose if you are recruiting newer players Send me a message or some Brochure to look at.




--MMORPG background:

If it was pay to play I probably have tried it... Rift/DAoC/EvE Online/LoTRO/Etc(Seriously probably about 20 or so games)

--RP experience:

I have attempted to get into RP in almost every MMO i have played except perhaps Defiance. But that is more how the game mechanics worked.

--Character ideas/info:

     As i tend to use the same name for most MMOs. I have several names but the personalities that accompany them tend to stay the same. I never play mages. Most magic I ever used was a paladin type in other games.



--How did you learn about the coalition?

Google honestly

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Medium to heavy

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing?

Nothing really that interesting...


*Updated 10/1/15*

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Hello there. welcome! If only it were tea... Anywho, Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested.

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Beware anyone from that FC dressed in orange, though.


Welcome to the RPC, we have our own brand of madness you'll probably grow accustomed to over time.

That would be Boo!, trust me, there's much stranger free companies here. Like Berry. From my knowledge it consists of:


  • A loving Elezen/Miqo couple who run the place
  • A giant beefcake
  • A multiple personality afflicted sociopath
  • An eccentric millionaire who has no reason to be there
  • A chick with white dreads, white dreads.
  • Berserker kitty
  • Catknight

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Oh I am sure i will be fine...


I have probably been in stranger Guilds in other games...



As for the coffee...



Merser produces it...(as in ICly)


You can understand that secretly... (like super sekret squirrle stuff) I am a Coffee Elemental...(as in jokingly)

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  • 6 months later...

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