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Making Friends and Influencing People (or I'm so lonely D:)

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Ok! So one of my sticking points this go around is trying to make friends/meet people outside my FC. It's too small right now to fulfill my social needs! (I mean.. I'm likely to ask my FC lead to lead a recruitment push soonish but... that's aways from now.)


I am not the type who can just go up and chat with random folks in the Quicksand, especially if they have their own conversations going and whatnot. So uh, pimping myself a bit to offer a youngish, naive, hunter moonkitty to any who could take advantage offer friendship or work or ... I dunno, anything.

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-wave wave- I have two moon kitties to offer if you'd like to see how they work off each other. One is a rather snarky, blind healer with a penchant for saying the wrong thing at the absolutely worst time - and the other is a slightly more laid back map maker who may or may not be secretly laughing at everyone from behind his jovial smirks. Both are open to meeting new people, though I've yet to really get either of them into extensive story based RP. :) If you are interested in having either of them meet with him, feel free to drop me a line here or in game. ^^ They're Enla and Theula'sae Keruth, with the latter possibly looking into hiring an assistant for his work.

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D'eshel here is just dipping his shoes in the new (for him) world of adventure, work and... culture. He's prone to show his savage side from time to time, I mean the guy was to be made into a Nuhn by the one who bred him (D'esh has a tendency of making people his favourite), so yeah. He's still a nice guy to talk to, just don't mock him for not being able to read or write. HE'LL EAT YOU.

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