Smiling River Posted December 2, 2011 Share #1 Posted December 2, 2011 The RPers of FFXIV have been left to interpret many aspects of the lore for which no clear answer is provided by SE. There are also aspects of gameplay which are difficult to understand/use IC'ly. The goal of this thread is to compile a set of questions that RPers have about the lore, or gameplay with regards to RP, and present them to SE via the official forums. First, post any questions you can think of. Then, a total of ten will be selected, as not to flood the devs/mods of forums with a huge list of questions that would seem to daunting to address. Finally the "top ten" will be discussed and edited, so that they're phrased just right. Afterwards I will post them up on the main SE boards, be sure to BUMP/like the thread so that it gets attention. :cheer: If there are questions "left on the cutting room floor" which you yourself or someone else asked that you'd like to see addressed, please feel free to create your own thread to ask them on the main forums. If we succeed in getting some answers however, I will likely do a "round 2" of this process, and hopefully get those 'left over' questions in next time. If you like this idea, please provide a link to this thread to your linkshell and friends. Link to comment
Verence Posted December 2, 2011 Share #2 Posted December 2, 2011 I'd be interested in a canon answer to the mixed races question. Points can be made for and against, but this isn't the place for that debate and the simple fact of the matter is, we flat-out don't know. Can they crossbreed? If it is possible, how viable are the offspring? If they're viable, what sort of physical characteristics would they have? If they exhibit mixed characteristics, why don't we see or hear about any mixed-race NPCs? How commonly does it occur, if possible? OK, so that's technically five questions, but they're all related durnit. :afro: Link to comment
Merri Posted December 2, 2011 Share #3 Posted December 2, 2011 It might be something that they have on a lock down until the story is fleshed out further, but I've always been interested in just how important Magitek is in the daily lives of normal Imperial citizens. Whether the field is restricted to military development and use only, or if the public employs it's uses in their every day lives. Whether or not Garlean cities are sprawling metropolises of machinery, or if their cities are constructed through traditional manners, albeit with Garlean influenced architecture. From the 2.0 concept art we can infer that their military outposts are very, very advanced, but this says nothing about average imperial cities. Link to comment
Eva Posted December 2, 2011 Share #4 Posted December 2, 2011 I would like to know more about the Twelve than the descriptions at character creation. Certain ones seem to have been given more attention and detailed information (Nald'thal, Nophica, Halone) and others get little more than a passing mention (Nymeia, Althyk, Byregot) from an NPC here or there. I'm also interested to know (and maybe it's already in existing lore and I've somehow missed it) whether the Garleans acknowledge the Twelve in any way. I would also like to know more about the history of the races/clans. There is very abstract information that the Elezen were rooted in Eorzea and the Hyur came from overseas elsewhere (going from memory here, this may be somewhat inaccurate), and some NPC in Gridania shows prejudice to Duskwights but it's left obscure whether there's any basis from lore for that opinion or whether he just has a personal grudge. I hunger for lore. :? Link to comment
Smiling River Posted December 3, 2011 Author Share #5 Posted December 3, 2011 Verence: I'd be interested in a canon answer to the mixed races question. Points can be made for and against, but this isn't the place for that debate and the simple fact of the matter is, we flat-out don't know. Can they crossbreed? If it is possible, how viable are the offspring? If they're viable, what sort of physical characteristics would they have? If they exhibit mixed characteristics, why don't we see or hear about any mixed-race NPCs? How commonly does it occur, if possible? Can different races crossbreed? Even if they do provide a simple yes/no answer, it will go a long way into furthering our understanding of that sticky issue. The words chosen there were, Iâm ashamed to say, intentional. The question also allows them to expand and go into some details you have questions about, without us specifically asking and possibly affecting their answers. Endemerrin: It might be something that they have on a lock down until the story is fleshed out further, but I've always been interested in just how important Magitek is in the daily lives of normal Imperial citizens. Whether the field is restricted to military development and use only, or if the public employs it's uses in their every day lives. Whether or not Garlean cities are sprawling metropolises of machinery, or if their cities are constructed through traditional manners, albeit with Garlean influenced architecture. From the 2.0 concept art we can infer that their military outposts are very, very advanced, but this says nothing about average imperial cities. Does Garlean technology have civic/public use outside of the military in Garlemald? I think that sums up your questions, yet gives them room to expand on it how they see fit. More specific questions can always be added on later, in reply to whatever they may answer. Eva: I would like to know more about the Twelve than the descriptions at character creation. Certain ones seem to have been given more attention and detailed information (Nald'thal, Nophica, Halone) and others get little more than a passing mention (Nymeia, Althyk, Byregot) from an NPC here or there. I'm also interested to know (and maybe it's already in existing lore and I've somehow missed it) whether the Garleans acknowledge the Twelve in any way. I would also like to know more about the history of the races/clans. There is very abstract information that the Elezen were rooted in Eorzea and the Hyur came from overseas elsewhere (going from memory here, this may be somewhat inaccurate), and some NPC in Gridania shows prejudice to Duskwights but it's left obscure whether there's any basis from lore for that opinion or whether he just has a personal grudge. How widespread is the worship of the Twelve? Is there a mythology about the Twelve that isnât mentioned in-game? (Holy books, manuscripts, rituals, etc.) Can you expand on the history and origins of races? I think those three sum up your concerns Eva. If any of these sound weird or if you think of a better phrasing let me know! Still looking for more questions Link to comment
Kylin Posted December 6, 2011 Share #6 Posted December 6, 2011 Charging an additional $3 per character slot is absolutely brutal to many role-players who enjoy playing the role of more than one character. Are there any plans to alleviate this additional fee at all with version 2.0 and beyond? Link to comment
Smiling River Posted December 9, 2011 Author Share #7 Posted December 9, 2011 Is there a Dev tag for this stuff? Going to put this up on the official boards by Saturday. Link to comment
Smiling River Posted December 12, 2011 Author Share #8 Posted December 12, 2011 Posted: LINK Please reply/like so we get some eyes on it. Also feel free to expand on any of your questions there as well, or on any part of the 'intro' I've written. Link to comment
Smiling River Posted December 16, 2011 Author Share #9 Posted December 16, 2011 *needs a lot more love from the RP community* Let's make some noise guys the forums are active and players of all sorts (and moderators) are reading them post-patch. Good time to get some exposure. *Rally* DO WE WANT QUESTIONS ANSWERED OR DON'T WE!? Link to comment
Smiling River Posted December 21, 2011 Author Share #10 Posted December 21, 2011 [align=center]WIN[/align] by: Fernehalwes Greetings OskarHelvig! Thank you for your post and your interest in Eorzea's lore. As people who frequent the Localization forums already know, I'm a huge fan of in-game mythology, and always try to ninja as much flavor text into my translations as the lore team will let me. I've been given the OK to answer some of your questions, so I'll try my best to slake your thirst for knowledge (knowing that most of my responses will only just lead to new questions...and the never-ending cycle will continue). In general, how open-minded is the average Eorzean? (ex. Accept same-sex couples? Those who do not believe in the Twelve?) Answer: Though many of the races experienced rocky pasts, currently, tolerance is, for the most part, the norm in Eorzea. The main reason behind this being that the region is a veritable melting pot of races who have worked together throughout recent history to survive the hardships thrust upon them. This does not mean that there are do not exist groups which are significantly more closed-minded. For example, while Gridania and Limsa Lominsa are fairly open about having dealings with the some of the more amicable beast tribes (such as the sylphs, goblins, and Qiqirn), the sultanate of Ul'dah are wary of the tribes, in part due to their prolonged conflict with the Amalj'aa. The same can be said regarding religion. Each city-state has a patron (matron) deity, and most people in that city-state will follow the teachings of that god or goddess. There are, for the most part, however, no strict religious codes that must be followed. Some Eorzeans will choose to worship a deity connected to their profession (for example, weavers often follow Nymeia the Spinner). Some follow the deity associated with their nameday. There are even some Eorzeans who choose not to follow the teachings of the Twelve, but they are few and far between...and often will not admit it. The exception to this rule can be seen in Ishgard, where they take the teachings of Halone very the point that the church and state have become inseparable. They go as far as calling those who do not follow the Fury 'unbelievers,' and those who are found to have communicated with the dragons of Dravania (the mortal enemies of Ishgard), are branded as heretics and in some cases executed. Can different races crossbreed? Answer: Yes, but it is rare...and often difficult due to cultural differences, etc. which is why you don't see it often. The lore team has informed me that there will be future quests/events that touch on this and other issues, such as love and marriage. How widespread is the worship of the Twelve? Answer: See the answer to question 1. As for geographical distribution, worship of the Twelve is, for the most part, limited to Eorzea. Is there a mythology about the Twelve that isnât mentioned in-game? (ex. Holy books, manuscripts, rituals, etc.) Answer: Yes, a great deal of mythology exists. Unfortunately, a lot remains unreleased. The storyline in 2.0 should reveal much more about the Twelve, but until then, I leave you with this Fun Fact: perhaps you have noticed, but in several of the dungeons in La Noscea you will find locations on your maps with names like "Llymlaen's Folly" or "Llymlaen's Trial." These are, in fact, sacred sites for the followers of the Navigator--each representing one of the 12 chapters in the tale of Llymlaen's Ascent. As part of their worship, followers risk their lives to perform yearly pilgrimages, visiting all twelve sites in the order they appear in the tale. The chapters (in order) are as follows: Llymlaen's Folly Llymlaen's Flight Llymlaen's Tempest Llymlaen's Clarity Llymlaen's Resolve Llymlaen's Bearing Llymlaen's Trial Llymlaen's Encounter Llymlaen's Stand Llymlaen's Triumph Llymlaen's Oath Llymlaen's Ascent Can you expand on the history and origins of races? Answer: The lore is there, but it contains far too much information to reveal here on a forum post. However, I 100% understand your desire to learn more about the backgrounds and cultures of the Five Races, and have personally pushed the lore team into looking into some way we cannot get more of that info into the game and up on the Lodestone. In the meantime, (if you haven't already) you can check out a few of the lore posts in the Localization forums, such as this one on Roegadyn names. Does Garlean technology have civic/public use outside of the military in Garlemald? Answer: Absolutely. Magitek is the foundation of their civilization and the main reason behind their quick rise to power. Though most of the technology is developed by and for the military, many of the inventions are reworked for civic/public use. Further information on the Garlean Empire will be released from version 2.0, as their presence in Eorzea will become ever more prevalent in the coming months. Charging an additional $3 per character slot is absolutely brutal to many role-players who enjoy playing the role of more than one character. Are there any plans to alleviate this additional fee at all with version 2.0 and beyond? Answer: I'm guessing that Bahyone will redirect you on this one. I hope that helps! Link to comment
Verence Posted December 21, 2011 Share #11 Posted December 21, 2011 OK, so wait. Let me get this straight. SE is acknowledging its customers exist SE is actually listening to them SE is recognizing some of them are RPers SE is answering the RPers BRB, head exploding. :bomb: I think it's pretty clear this is not the Square-Enix of a few years ago, and that's kind of awesome. Link to comment
Smiling River Posted December 21, 2011 Author Share #12 Posted December 21, 2011 Yeah man, just have to ask them and press on them a little bit for answers instead of just being quiet and waiting. Now that we got results, maybe we can get more responses/questions? Round two, go. Link to comment
Eva Posted December 21, 2011 Share #13 Posted December 21, 2011 I think I'd like to redirect to my original questions but only more specific. I'm positively thrilled that we've received a response, but I would like to hear more specific details. As it is Nymeia is regarded highly by weavers, but to my knowledge no such altars or other landmarks exist for her the way Oschon and several of the others. (yeh I want a Nymeia altar dammit! >.> ) Althyk and Byregot don't seem to get as much attention either. Perhaps as more lands are released and we learn that they are patron/matron deities there? Speculation, but I suppose it makes sense that Llymlaen, Nophica, and Nald'Thal (and Halone) would have more content associated with them than the rest of the Twelve for that reason. It doesn't lessen the thirst for knowledge about the remaining deities though. With regard to the races and their history, I want to know more specifics. I can appreciate that there's a tolerance between them, particularly with regard to the way some of the nations regard the beastmen tribes. To be very specific, I was wondering about my own race - the duskwight. I would imagine others would want to know a lot about their own races and history of them as well. Though many of the races experienced rocky pasts... This was the part I was hoping they could expand on a bit. I would like to know more about these rocky pasts and what each race is bringing to the table that is Eorzea. (sorry this was very hastily written from work and perhaps someone can paraphrase something better than "Tell me more about duskwights and Nymeia" ) Link to comment
Verence Posted December 22, 2011 Share #14 Posted December 22, 2011 Starting on the same note as Eva's post and diverging, I have a few more. We know there are "seagull shrines" in Limsa Lominsa, identified as Bethels by an NPC in a cutscene. What's their significance? We know a bit about how Nald, Thal, and Nophica are worshipped / revered, but are there any specific rituals / religious rites observed in Limsa for the worship of Llymlaen? How does the government in Gridania work? We know the Seedseers guide national policy and the Wailers / Quiver handle internal and external security, but who handles day-to-day stuff like licenses, building permits, passing laws, etc? There doesn't seem to be any body for this. When was crystal synthesis first introduced to society? Why is everyone so utterly dependent on it? It doesn't seem to provide any benefits to manufacturing other than speed and efficiency - important factors but nothing to grind the wheels of progress to a halt over. Also, crystals themselves. I appreciate SE doesn't want to tip their hand too much with the whole deaspected crystal metaplot going, but any and all information they'd be willing to provide about crystals, shards, the aether within them, how it gets there, how it's released, and really anything of relevant interest would be awesome. Link to comment
Verence Posted December 22, 2011 Share #15 Posted December 22, 2011 While we're at it... Necrologos! Where's it from? Who wrote it? How is it that its pages get scattered bloody everywhere? And since it supposedly summons creatures dredged from the seven hells... Are we to assume hell is full of opo-opos, chigoes, and random animals? I mean you gotta admit, monkeys from hell are a LITTLE scary, but... Back in the day, we had an OOC running joke in AETHER that the Necrologos was actually written by a pissed off farmer who wanted to get even with the guy in the next field over. "Grow better potatoes than ME, will ya? PLAGUE OF RANDOM ANIMALS!" LATER EDIT: I could have sworn there was specific mention of the hells in the Necrologos leve text, but after a full review it only mentions "Arcane demons" bound within the pages. Either I'm remembering wrong or there's been a ninja edit. Either way, above question can be modified as follows: The Necrologos is written in Sharlayan. Is it from there? Who wrote it, how, and why? Is it only one book, a collection of specific books, or a catch-all term for books that bind monsters inside of them? How is it there are so many copies everywhere, and their pages get torn out and scattered so often? Why is the term "Demon" used for the decidedly ordinary creatures it harbors? Link to comment
Mho Posted December 23, 2011 Share #16 Posted December 23, 2011 Cutscenes mention that there are 6 known verses to the prophecies of Mezaya Thousandeyes and a newly-discovered seventh. Will these ever be made available to us in their entirety? Can you tell us more about Mezaya Thousandeyes themself? Link to comment
Smiling River Posted December 23, 2011 Author Share #17 Posted December 23, 2011 I'll be putting together the new set questions soon (both from the thread and here), and putting it out after the new year, so that's the rough timeline. I think the very specific bullet point questions helped get the answers the first time around, so I'll do it that way again. That means I'll be including the 'extra' stuff you put around your questions separately, because putting them out that way will likely scare the devs away, or ask loaded questions. Question I had was, what's the deal with K.O., death, and returning. How does that system work? (Gonna reformat it later with the rest of em) Link to comment
SamusKnight2K Posted January 11, 2012 Share #18 Posted January 11, 2012 If you visit the NPC who gives the regional levequests there's an option at the bottom called "Information". There's a tiny tidbit in there about how aetheryrtes work, teleportation, and returning. Basically the theory that people use aetheryte stones or whatnot is incorrect. I went through it and got the information: On Aetheryte Travel, Teleportation, and Anima (From Totonawa, The Quicksand, Ul'dah. Choose "How do I get to and from a levequest?") As you make your way through Eorzea, you will come across large, floating deposits of a crystalline substance known as aetheryte. It is said that aetheryte is the solid manifestation of the planet's lifeblood, aether, and that by touching it, the aether which makes up our bodies resonates with that contained in the crystal. This is called âattunement.â Attunement to an aetheryte crystal allows us to do some quite amazing things. Firstly, we can, at any time, return to the most recent location of attunementâknown by many as their âhome pointââfrom almost any location in Eorzea. In addition, should we sustain a grievous injury, and be knocked out far from help, we may choose to be revived at our home point. Attuning also allows us to teleport to locations which maintain signatures of past attunements, or, to put it simply, aetheryte deposits we have previously visited. What is even more amazing is that when teleporting, we can âcarryâ those with whom we have created a bondâsuch as an adventuring party. However, travel comes with a price. It requires a great deal of spiritual energy known as âanimaâ to break the body down into the aetheric form needed for teleportation. If one's body lacks sufficient anima, teleporting or returning to a location may be impossible. On Aetherial Gates (From Totonawa, The Quicksand, Ul'dah. Choose "How do I reach aetherial gates?") Aetherial gates are rifts in the planet causing a stable discharge of gaseous aether. These can be accessed via nearby aetheryte deposits and vice versa, making transport to outlying areas quicker and more convenient. As with other forms of teleportation, however, accessing the aetherial gates will require sufficient anima. And an extra piece... On Levequests (From Totonawa, The Quicksand, Ul'dah. Choose "What are guildleves?") In a city as large as this one, there will always be those who are looking for someone willing to assist them with their troubles. Instead of doing the searching on their own, they often come to us. We, in turn, document their petitions and then offer them to our clienteleâfine men and women such as yourself. These tasks are what we like to call âlevequests,â and if someone happens to be interested in accepting one, we present them with a guildleve that is used in conjunction with the quest. Guildleves are, in effect, passes which grant their bearers âleaveâ to perform various actions which might otherwise be prohibited. These actions include, but are not limited to, the collection of forbidden items, the eradication of beasts, the admittance to restricted areas, and more. Unlike the local variety, which mostly occur within the city walls, regional levequests will often require a journey out into the wilds. Luckily, aetheryte can lessen the burden of traveling to the more remote locations. On Faction Leves (From Totonawa, The Quicksand, Ul'dah. Choose "What are faction-sponsored levequests?") Eorzea plays host to numerous civilian organizations, both great and small, which represent the many and varied interests of her people. Three of the largest and most influential of these take a keen interest in adventurer activity. They are the Brotherhood of the Broken Bladeâa group of vigilantes who are convinced the beast tribes will one day destroy the realm, unless we destroy them first; Azeyma's Shieldsâself-proclaimed protectors of the weak and enemies of evil; and the Horn and Handâa band of scholars and scientists, merchants and moneylenders who seek to gain fame (and fortune) by aiding in the outfitting of adventurers. To extend their influence throughout Eorzea, each of these âfactionsâ sponsors levequests which coincide with their particular area of interest. Completing a levequest sponsored by a certain faction not only earns you âcredits,â but also increases the influence that faction has in the area where the levequest was completed. The more influence a faction has over an area, the better the rewards offered for completing levequests sponsored by that faction. In turn, factions with less influence in an area often offer extra credits in order to lure adventurers to choose their sponsored tasks. A faction's influence in any given area can be confirmed at the area's governing aetheryte camp or aetherial gate. Faction credits earned after completing levequests can be used to gain access to special missions offered only to loyal followers. The factions often reward those who complete these tasks with rare items or generous amounts of gil. Link to comment
Merri Posted January 14, 2012 Share #19 Posted January 14, 2012 Bit late, but I was totally psyched to see some answers from SE. Was quite nice to get a little more insight into Garlean culture, too. Given the success the first batch had, I'd say it's a safe bet that if we keep firing, we might just get more answers. That being said, if you haven't posted the next batch of questions yet I've drummed up a few more related to my previous questions. As we know, Ceruleum is the power source used to fuel all Magitek technology. What is it exactly? Is it a physical form of aether? A by-product of tapping into the world's lifeblood? We also know Ceruleum is extremely volatile, it's reactions prone to producing devastating effects in sufficient amounts. By what means do the Garleans manage to harness the Ceruleum for their technology without the risk of it blowing up in their faces? Do they treat the Ceruleum to reach a less volatile, more energy efficient form? Or does the energy itself come from the fact that it's such an unstable material? Edit: Oh, I got another. Is there a sort of officially recognized "remembrance day" for the fall of Ala Mhigo? What month/date did the siege occur on? Link to comment
Smiling River Posted January 14, 2012 Author Share #20 Posted January 14, 2012 Not late at all, I was going to put together the next batch today but I am a bit swamped at work, so it will have to wait a little bit. Link to comment
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