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Ambitious, Heartly Young Man Seeking Friends, Opportunity, and Storytelling!

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So, now that I'm here once more, I'm definitely fired up and motivated to get back into the swing of things. Ultimately, my character has evolved and grown since I was last here, and now I'm going to re-introduce him back into this refreshing environment as well as myself!


Ryanti is a man born to a Miqo'te Keeper woman, and a Hyuran Midlander man. He is the current heir of a long list of heirs of the Veanysus family, which has century-old roots in Ul'Dah, and even more ancient roots in Ishguard (There's sparse records of the Ishguard part though!). The family owes their larger-than-average sum of wealth on their family business, which began when the first of his family settled in Ul'Dah after the events of Sil'dih's destruction. (Which you can read more of in my wiki! Yay!)


What kind of business is that, you ask? Why, the Veanysian Dinner and Flatware Company! Responsible for supplying plates, silverware, and glasses to restaurants, it's the goal of the Company to make sure every single restaurant, from high end getaways to mom and pop's tavern, always has a plate to feed a soul some steak, and a knife and fork to cut it!


There exists some really wonderful opportunities to socialize and connect with Ryanti that way! Perhaps a business relationship is in order? Or perhaps the young Veanysus would be surveying your restaurant or your Free Company's minibar for a potential deal? Even to sponsor a banquet or something else involving catering a whole bunch of hungry ones? Heck, work for me! The opportunities are endless I say!


Or maybe you're more into the military? Or enforcing the law? Stop, you've violated the law if you didn't consider doing some good ol' fashioned (Morally gray actually) police work with Second Lieutenant Ryanti Veanysus of the Immortal Flames!


But perhaps you're into more of the... secret things. The hush-hush stuff. Spelunking deep into the earth to recover classified objects lost to the ages... making decisions on whether or not such technology or ancient magic should be kept from being brought into the wrong hands or... whether or not mankind would be better off without such devices altogether... the Men in Black of Eorzea, serving the Sons of Saint Coinach among others in complete and utter secrecy.. then perhaps Ryanti's undercover profession as the member of the Black Label Unit would be your thing! This is actually something that is still in the works by yours truly, and I am still working out the kinks to it. I will probably post another thread in here soon about my idea to gauge interest!



On a serious note though, I would love to start meeting you all and having fun telling great stories with our roleplay. :) I consider myself a Mature Roleplayer as some say.. I am very content-friendly, no matter the content. I write what life is like. I like it that way.


Don't hesitate to approach me with an idea!



I bet you're wondering, "Does my time zone even allow me to participate in this madness?!?" Well now you know with my availability!


All times are Central:

Monday: Any time after 11pm.

Tuesday: Any time after 2pm.

Wednesday: 4pm - 9pm / 12am Onward.

Thursday: Sorry, not available. College "Get work done!" Day. Dx

Friday: 4pm - 9pm / 12am Onward

Saturday: Any time after 2pm.

Sunday: 4pm - 9pm / 12am Onward.


It's worth noting that sometimes life gives me obligations during my free time, so there may be situations where I'm not available during those times.



Interested in stuff? Want to ask questions or brainstorm? Reply here! Interested in stuff or want to ask questions or brainstorm in private? Send me a PM! See me run past you/online in general, in-game? Send me a /tell! Like Moogles? Send me a Moogle mail! If you're.. into that.


Hell you can have my Skype, I don't care! :D (Just PM me about it. :thumbsup: )


So where are YOU gonna be, when you first meet Ryanti? :D

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Big respect for the amount of work you have put in this character. Your wiki seems to be one of the biggest I have read so far. It was nice to look at these adventures, witness his history so I would love if my character would get to know at least a portion of it himself! So hit me up when you're ingame and avaiable for RP!

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Thank you so much you two, for your responses!


Aly, I already have knowledge to get a hold of you, thankfully. :) In this manner you're supporting my comeback, and I appreciate it.


As for D'eshel, I'm very humbled. That's exactly what I want to bring to the table when people read my wiki and investigate my character. Thank you for reaching out to me, I'll definitely be looking around for you.

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