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Coerthas Clinic

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Hey guys! I am not sure if anyone has openly done this yet, and I am not sure where to put this thread, but, making connections seems to be the best place, since it is basically the nature of my idea.


With the events that happened in 2.55's storyline (no spoilers), I've noticed to push towards stationing character's in Coerthas for Heavensward preparation and to participate in the story. Where there are jobs to be found, there are mercs, sell swords, adventurers, and freelancers. And where there are those, surely some of them are going to get hurt! To treat this, my character has moved up north as well to offer healing and medical services for a bit of coin as well. 




What: A clinic set up in response to recent events.


Who: To all the characters going up aid Coerthas.


Where: Anywhere in the Central Highlands area.


Why: My character needs to make money too! And he's out of work in Ul'dah for now.


How: Nicholas can do alchemical/apothecarial, magical, trauma first aid, and surgeries as healing services. 


To RP or request help, just whisper me at anytime. Since the area is chock full of people, there are likely distress signals going out and Nicholas can come assist you. Have an event but you want a doctor on call? Sure! I can do that too.


Have a healer/doctor character interested in joining in? A fully staffed and stocked clinic would be great if this gets any responses at all. 


Cheers and looking forward to any responses this gets.

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Fafrung is still working out of Ul'dah, having no idea of what went on there (ICly) He may not make the move there just yet. But he may need help with a few things pertaining to Nicholas' talents.


Feel free to shoot me a tell in game! I'll be online later this evening.

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Fafrung is still working out of Ul'dah, having no idea of what went on there (ICly) He may not make the move there just yet. But he may need help with a few things pertaining to Nicholas' talents.


Feel free to shoot me a tell in game! I'll be online later this evening.


Nifty. Seen you then.

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Have the Virella stamp of approval.


You know, being one of the very few people outside Ishgard she gets along with!

 Huzzah! Nick is currently borrowing some of the rooms above the tavern and mess hall for his clinic so Vi can stop by at any time and check up on him!


Floria will be in be interested in helping out!


Excellent. Nick will be in Whitebrim tonight when I get home from work (8 EST) to do check ups and physicals for mercs. We should get together and RP sometime soon.

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ahhh so this must have been what i ran into when doing msq content a couple nights ago. an npc i had to see was in the same area and someone started talking to me ic. while i explained i wasn't ic at the time; it was great to see rp out of the major cities and awesome to find this thread to locate the source. dapper idea you have here! :D

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ahhh so this must have been what i ran into when doing msq content a couple nights ago. an npc i had to see was in the same area and someone started talking to me ic. while i explained i wasn't ic at the time; it was great to see rp out of the major cities and awesome to find this thread to locate the source. dapper idea you have here! :D


I don't think this was mine D: regardless, if you're around the area and want to RP, please feel free to send me a tell!

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ahhh so this must have been what i ran into when doing msq content a couple nights ago. an npc i had to see was in the same area and someone started talking to me ic. while i explained i wasn't ic at the time; it was great to see rp out of the major cities and awesome to find this thread to locate the source. dapper idea you have here! :D


I don't think this was mine D: regardless, if you're around the area and want to RP, please feel free to send me a tell!



well SOMEONE was givin out heals in a clinic type setup.....


i will definitely keep that in mind c:

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ahhh so this must have been what i ran into when doing msq content a couple nights ago. an npc i had to see was in the same area and someone started talking to me ic. while i explained i wasn't ic at the time; it was great to see rp out of the major cities and awesome to find this thread to locate the source. dapper idea you have here! :D


I don't think this was mine D: regardless, if you're around the area and want to RP, please feel free to send me a tell!



well SOMEONE was givin out heals in a clinic type setup.....


i will definitely keep that in mind c:


It miggght have been me, but I know I didn't wheesper you. It might have been the person I was RPing with.

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ahhh so this must have been what i ran into when doing msq content a couple nights ago. an npc i had to see was in the same area and someone started talking to me ic. while i explained i wasn't ic at the time; it was great to see rp out of the major cities and awesome to find this thread to locate the source. dapper idea you have here! :D


I don't think this was mine D: regardless, if you're around the area and want to RP, please feel free to send me a tell!



well SOMEONE was givin out heals in a clinic type setup.....


i will definitely keep that in mind c:


(That was actually the aftermath of this event!)

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