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Theula'sae's Map Making Corner

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Are you the kind of adventurer who is always getting lost? Perhaps you have to stop for directions every few malms, with a grabby sidekick grumbling all the while that adventurers should never stop and ask for directions. We've all been there friend, and more than a few parties have gone the way of the dodo caught for the purpose of being made into succulent stakes for these very reasons. Yet have no fear, simply purchase your very own hand drawn map today and all your worries will vanish into the aether without a care!


Theula'sae has maps of nearly every territory of Eorzea, and what he does not have on stand by he is more than willing to travel towards in order to get the job done. He even does floor plans and blueprints, each custom made to the customer's desires with nary a peep from him as to their real purpose. Theula'sae cares not what his maps are used for so long as the coin flows, and some might even believe that he takes a good amount of pleasure in knowing that many of his maps have fallen into the hands of rather unsavory sorts.


As a special package, he will even travel with you to create the map so that you can be assured that when he promises not another soul will see it's contents he is giving his word. Though one might wish to bring ear plugs to deal with the overriding snark.


Buy your package today! Never be lost again!






So yeah, Sae needs more contacts... He's a bit of a jackass and very much personally motivated when it comes to his craft, yet if you pay him well enough his silence is forever bought even if a better offer comes to the table to garner it. While not as skilled an archer as he is with with his pen, he is also far from the stereotypical scribe in need of protection as well - though his mouth runs off with itself so often that the trouble he gets into is entirely avoidable in most instances. If you think he might be an interesting fit to RP with, or you have need of a map, please contact me and we'll get something started! ^^


Enla is also in need of more contacts, particularly with the latest events of the patch which might end up forcing her to travel between Ul'dah and Coethras depending upon how recent story progressions take hold. She works at a back alley clinic within Ul'dah that does not necessarily care who it treats or why, her moral compass being of a better caliber than Sae's but still not to the point where she won't treat known criminals who step within her doors. She's as flippant as they come, but dedicated to her craft and the freedom it brings her from her blindness. She's also slowly studying aether sensing with the permission of Brianna (thank you so much again) so she's just started her first steps back into the seeing realm. As for Coethras, well, it depends really on how things go but if you have a character that's gone north to fight the Dravarians then she could very well meet them as well while she's there!


If either of them sound interesting, please send me a PM or tell in game! Out of the two, I'm normally on Enla if you need to get into contact with me, due to her being my main and primary content grinder, however if she isn't online by all means do try to see if I'm on Theula'sae.

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I can offer William to the both of them. William could use maps for... Personal reasons, and he could use a clinic worker that might be able to stand his crap a bit. Wiki page for him is in my signature, if you think we may be able to put something together, lemme know!

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Will do and thank you both for taking the time to reply! :D I look forward to bouncing Sae off of your characters.

It'll be more like seeing if Sae can stand William for longer than five seconds!

xD And vice versa honestly! lol

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Will do and thank you both for taking the time to reply! :D I look forward to bouncing Sae off of your characters.

It'll be more like seeing if Sae can stand William for longer than five seconds!

xD And vice versa honestly! lol


It takes a certain kind to stand Sae for more than 5 seconds I can attest to that one.

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Jumping in to say I love your character concepts! :3 


I have a character who loves to wander and would really be interested in chatting up a map-maker. She doesn't need a map yet... maybe someday... not sure if she'd ever be able to offer much in terms of payment, though, but she'd certainly be able to plough Theula'sae with much effusive questioning. 


...I am also from Kurt / Ram's timezone, so. >< But if you think Avis would be good to interact with, let me know!

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It takes a certain kind to stand Sae for more than 5 seconds I can attest to that one.


Nah enjoys being teased, don't lie. ;):P


Trust me. William has thick skin, and tends to be the one scaring people off ;)

Rofl, well let's see how they do! :D I'm on pretty regularly so let's set something up and watch the fireworks!



Jumping in to say I love your character concepts! :3 


I have a character who loves to wander and would really be interested in chatting up a map-maker. She doesn't need a map yet... maybe someday... not sure if she'd ever be able to offer much in terms of payment, though, but she'd certainly be able to plough Theula'sae with much effusive questioning. 


...I am also from Kurt / Ram's timezone, so. >< But if you think Avis would be good to interact with, let me know!


Sae honestly would also take payments in the form of a good story and/or food, the latter because he has little in the way of entertainment and it's something to reflect back upon while he's engrossed in his maps and the latter because he's a scruffy vagabond who can't cook to save his life. :P

And like I said earlier I'm on quite often and rather flexible! So whatever time is best for you I can definitely try to match. ^^


map making huh? i really really dig the idea but....my brain....i'm sorry!


.....not all that sorry...>.>;;;

Sae in a tight, green spandex suit... My brain just stopped and I'm now scaroused. D: I BLAME YOU CLIO.

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It takes a certain kind to stand Sae for more than 5 seconds I can attest to that one.


Nah enjoys being teased, don't lie. ;):P


Trust me. William has thick skin, and tends to be the one scaring people off ;)

Rofl, well let's see how they do! :D I'm on pretty regularly so let's set something up and watch the fireworks!



Jumping in to say I love your character concepts! :3 


I have a character who loves to wander and would really be interested in chatting up a map-maker. She doesn't need a map yet... maybe someday... not sure if she'd ever be able to offer much in terms of payment, though, but she'd certainly be able to plough Theula'sae with much effusive questioning. 


...I am also from Kurt / Ram's timezone, so. >< But if you think Avis would be good to interact with, let me know!


Sae honestly would also take payments in the form of a good story and/or food, the latter because he has little in the way of entertainment and it's something to reflect back upon while he's engrossed in his maps and the latter because he's a scruffy vagabond who can't cook to save his life. :P

And like I said earlier I'm on quite often and rather flexible! So whatever time is best for you I can definitely try to match. ^^


map making huh? i really really dig the idea but....my brain....i'm sorry!


.....not all that sorry...>.>;;;

Sae in a tight, green spandex suit... My brain just stopped and I'm now scaroused. D: I BLAME YOU CLIO.

Lol be warned Tharsis scares easy...but can be a smarty if he wants lololol

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Sae honestly would also take payments in the form of a good story and/or food, the latter because he has little in the way of entertainment and it's something to reflect back upon while he's engrossed in his maps and the latter because he's a scruffy vagabond who can't cook to save his life. :P

And like I said earlier I'm on quite often and rather flexible! So whatever time is best for you I can definitely try to match. ^^


Ohhhh, my character like stories (and secretly enjoys telling them). So that might be fun. As long as she doesn't have to talk about her personal life. (...Make her uncomfortable, that would be fun too.) 


And alrighty, I'll look you up in-game when I actually manage to get online! :)

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For what is worth, my character has a habit of travelling across Eorzea, A LOT, and he also has the usual good samaritan vibe about him.He could easily serve as a bodyguard for when Sae decides to go out and make maps. So if you wish to RP with the errant knight Leon, feel free to contact me :P


PS: here is his wiki page(still under construction,cause I'm a lazy bum): https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Leon_Greymoon

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Ohhhh, my character like stories (and secretly enjoys telling them). So that might be fun. As long as she doesn't have to talk about her personal life. (...Make her uncomfortable, that would be fun too.) 


And alrighty, I'll look you up in-game when I actually manage to get online! :)

Alrightie! :D I'm not free today but feel free to chat me up so we can plan out a time! And no worries, Sae doesn't tend to pry unless it's amusing for him to do so. So any story will do.


For what is worth, my character has a habit of travelling across Eorzea, A LOT, and he also has the usual good samaritan vibe about him.He could easily serve as a bodyguard for when Sae decides to go out and make maps. So if you wish to RP with the errant knight Leon, feel free to contact me :P


PS: here is his wiki page(still under construction,cause I'm a lazy bum): https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Leon_Greymoon


Ooo! He sounds like a lot of fun, though they might not get along very well given Sae's personality. But I'm willing to try if you are! :3


map making huh? i really really dig the idea but....my brain....i'm sorry!


.....not all that sorry...>.>;;;

Sae in a tight, green spandex suit... My brain just stopped and I'm now scaroused. D: I BLAME YOU CLIO.


want some eye bleach or you gonna enjoy that a little longer? xD


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