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Hi guys and gals!


My fiance and I recently started playing again and spent quite a while trying to access Balmung. We managed it a couple of weeks ago and have been casually levelling characters there.


We both spent many years RP'ing on forums and in World of Warcraft. We're looking to get involved with the community on Balmung.


So! I basically just wanted to introduce myself, say hello, and ask where the best place to start off would be? Not looking for any easy routes into any FCs, since we're firm believers in RP'ing your way into these things, but a good location on Balmung to start off with would be a great help!


Thanks for reading, and thanks to anyone that takes the time to help us out!


 - Rurel.

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Ul'dah seems to have a lot of random RP in the Quicksand, as Warren said. You can find it in Limsa and Gridania too but it's not as steady there. If you check out the upcoming events on the calendar here, going to those is also a good way to meet new people. Aaaand I'm guessing from your profile that you're EU so just going to mention the European Directory for good measure!


Welcome aboard! :D

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