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Hello...Be Gentle :3

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So thanks to my Husband (again), I manage to get myself signed up to the site while he sits across from me grinning away as his tarrot card is being drawn out (Check it out, Look for Steel Wolf. He should post it up in a few days time)

Originally from Wales in the United Kingdom, I moved over to live with my partner now recently upgraded to husband class,in which I hopefully intend to delve back into the world of Voice Acting in which I have loved dearly.


I got into the Final Fantasy 14 world about a month or so ago, my curious Welsh brain was watching his partner at the time from across the room f'ing and blinding at the screen as he tries his best to get the Demonic Helmet of Fending so badly in which by the end of the week I had ended up picking up a time card and a digital copy of the game and becoming Tywyll'ra Stumog, the Black Mage Miqote. Since then I have been trying to catch up with the story missions as well as laughing my ass off due to the Manderville sidequests.


Hopefully I will share more of my adventures inside and outside the game, thought mainly I do a Vlogging Channel on Youtube to which Me and my partner (Steel Wolf) do talk and do random things when we're not going around killing primals and swearing at the monsters we encounter, hope you check it out Jamie's Blog!


So until then, hope you enjoy my entries and comments and hope to speak soon <3



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Welcome to the world and the RP community. As you have an advance sacrifice of your hubby I am sure you can just slot right in and bypass all the mistakes they made :)


I am sure they have already told you how things get one.. I look forward to .. stuff.. and things.. and I hope you speak out loud when you RP :)

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