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New Person (But Not Really)

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Hey everyone. I've been playing FFXIV a chunk o' months on the Gilgamesh server. I've had two hiatuses caused by school, the second of which is still in effect. Although I plan to go back to Gilgamesh when I graduate and plan to main one of the characters I have over there, I decided to make a character on Balmung this morning. I figure there's no reason not to try and mingle with both communities. Being new to Balmung means I have no connections, though, which is where y'all come in. If anybody could point in me in the direction of some useful connection-making linkshells (OOC or IC) then that'd be appreciated. If you also just wanna throw me a /tell for RP, that works too \o/


For those curious, my RP experience spans over 4-ish years. I'm not picky with what sort of RP I partake in so long as the company is pleasant and friendly. Drama is no fun. I've been saying for a bit that I'll begin to DM events, though things such school have gotten in the way (I'll also admit to opting to run end-game instead of following through as a result of self-doubt. I should have more backbone by the time I'm officially back). Simply put, I'll RP anything that doesn't spit in the face of lore (though I'm not one opposed to minor bending).


I plan to playon my Balmung newbie for a bit tonight (logging on as I type). His name is Eddard Holt. Truth be told, I'm not sure how much I'll be on until after graduation, though I figured I'd introduce myself tonight regardless. If you're on Gilgamesh and would like to RP, that's cool too. My numerous characters are listed in my signature. I may or may not hop onto one of them tonight. It depends on how focused I end up getting on my newbie. Looking forward to meeting whoever I end up meeting!

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I think Open RP usually has some slots.


Which city did you start in? If it was Ul'dah, you don't even need a linkshell. Just walk (as in literally walk) into the Quicksand and RP will likely slap you in the face during primetime!


(Alternatively, Melkire's got this big list of people who want to be poked for RP too! http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=10818 )

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Which city did you start in? If it was Ul'dah, you don't even need a linkshell. Just walk (as in literally walk) into the Quicksand and RP will likely slap you in the face during primetime!


I did start in Ul'dah and actually noticed RP the second I was pulled out of the tutorial and slapped in with the rest of the community in the middle of the Quicksand. I don't plan on immediately starting RP but I surely know where to go when I want to find some later tonight. Nice and convenient hehe

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