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Returning player, saying hello


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I've been a fairly off-and-on player since ARR launched, but now that I have the time to actually dedicate myself to RP and the game itself I'm re-returning and wanted to introduce myself. I play a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te named Mayu Miguzho, who is currently maining as a level 39-almost-40 Dragoon. I don't have much in the way written for her yet, though I suppose she'll be pretty friendly and average.


So it's very nice to meet you and I hope to meet some of you in-game. I guess I had a couple questions -


1. What are the main RP hubs in the game? This is my first foray into RP in the game and I haven't really encountered any so I'm not sure where to go looking for it.


2. Is there a general time of day that RP tends to happen?


Thanks again!

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Hello, and welcome back!


1. Main RP hubs are Ul'dah (the Adventurer's Tavern specifically) and the housing wards, most likely.


2. I find that US timezones have the most RP in the evening, as most folks on Balmung are US/Canada players.

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As Apl mentioned, Ul'Dah is the main public RP spot. The two Adventurer's Guilds in the other main cities are starting to get some roleplay as well lately, which is nice. Housing wards at FCs you'll likely find RP too, and weekly events such as the Grindstone, the Mystic Runestone and the Sunny Seaside Bar to name a few.


Events are mostly GMT evenings onwards, so I guess that's EST 5pm-ish? onwards throughout the night. However, there's RP 24/7 in Ul'dah, and you'll probably find come across it randomly in your travels as well. Most people are open to walk-up RP and have it noted in their search info, so you could always find some.


It might also be worth having a look at the Linkshell Hall or finding a FC/LS that pipes your interest. There are lots of FCs around that do more private roleplay so it mightn't be as obvious. :)


Welcome back! :chocobo:

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Events are mostly GMT evenings onwards, so I guess that's EST 5pm-ish? onwards throughout the night. However, there's RP 24/7 in Ul'dah, and you'll probably find come across it randomly in your travels as well. Most people are open to walk-up RP and have it noted in their search info, so you could always find some.


Yep, that seems to be my experience too, and you can find it pretty much all day and all night at the weekends.


Welcome to Balmung, Mayu! :D

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