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Second Best Scribe in Eorzea LF Connections!

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...because we know there's no way she can outdo a certain duskwight friend of hers in nerdy nonsense. /sort-of-shameless plug


Ummm. Hi. I am dragging my chronically shy self out of hiding to post this because I am finally, finally freer for the next, well, four weeks of so of vacation perfection. I'm looking for more connections for my main, Avis, who's basically a nosy, restless, poetic goose looking to get herself in all sorts of trouble. Here, have a picture. 








RP hooks:

  • Avis is based in Limsa Lominsa, so potential friends and enemies of all kinds are welcome to accost her. 
  • She's a ghostwriter / letter writer / scribe and doesn't necessarily charge gil for her services. She'd accept almost anything in exchange - the more amusing, the better. 
  • If your character enjoys telling or listening to stories, he or she might find a fine companion in Avis. ...Someone has also recently gotten it into her head that dropping cryptic, poetic, anonymous notes all over Eorzea for curious travelers might be an Interesting Thing To Do. If your character would like to come across and pick up any of these Questionable Words of Wisdom, please PM me.
  • Your character might have caught glimpses of Avis around if he or she is part of the Arcanist's Guild. Please disabuse her of the notion that all of its members are dull and pedantic by nature. 
  • If your character enjoys wandering in 'the wilderness', Avis is a likely person to run into. She could be roaming anywhere in Vylbrand and, more recently, the Shroud. She's especially fond of high places and old sites of historical interest.
  • Avis always enjoys a good tavern, strong drink and meandering, philosophical conversations. Especially if your character indulges her thousand-and-one questions. 
  • While Avis generally keeps away from Ul'dah and the Goblet for reasons no one has actually successfully coerced out of her yet, I'd actually be interested in letting her run into old Ul'dahn associates - especially those on extreme ends of the social spectrum. Let's plot. 
  • Avis likes adventure. Please involve her in any witchy / scholarly shenanigans - or plot of any kind, really - if you like. She is mostly curious enough to want in on and laugh at everything, and she finds everyone exciting. 


Other notes: 

  • I am from an impossible timezone (GMT+8) but when June hits I'll actually be around on EST evenings. Even on weekdays.  
  • If this interests you, I might have to PM you to schedule an appointment. I still have other RL commitments to attend to, sadly, and also a slowly leveling Au Ra alt, but I definitely want to make time for RP. :3
  • I am very, very much down for a reasonable amount of plotting. I like throwing my character into actual situations, though tavern chatter can sometimes be wonderful as well. 
  • I could be that long-winded para RPer from hell. ...At least, that's what I'm most naturally inclined to, so if you're the same, we need to be friends. That said, I (like to think that I) am equally capable of being concise when I have to!  ...This post totally proved otherwise, didn't it.
  • I also do forum RP, Skype, and 100-page Google documents. 
  • There are a few of you here that I'm supposed to hunt down but may not quite have gotten around to yet... I haven't forgotten you! *kicks timezone* ;_;
  • I do not belong to an FC. This is partly due to commitment / timezone issues... but I am definitely more than open to recommendations (pref a smaller / more close-knit one), & for linkshells too! 
  • And if you're so inclined, let's talk Xaela, too. 


If you actually made it through all of that, you're amazing and ilu. Thank you. *slinks away in mild terror* 

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I would absolutely love to meet Avis on either of my ladies. Love love love. Thinking Foxglove might be the better choice as she's also a bit of a writer herself with a lot of (admittedly grotesque) stories to tell, but either would fit, I think!

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I would absolutely love to meet Avis on either of my ladies. Love love love. Thinking Foxglove might be the better choice as she's also a bit of a writer herself with a lot of (admittedly grotesque) stories to tell, but either would fit, I think!


Hey there! Both characters sound fascinating to interact with (I peeked at their wikis). I think Avis would love to know more about the Twelveswood through Vetiver - but I have absolutely no idea how interaction with Foxglove would be like for my character. Which should be very interesting, really. (I also think my Au Ra should meet Foxglove when she actually exists.) We should set a time and date to meet! 


Does that mean she's back to claim the Little Ram?


Also what times are you on...in our timezone?


Kurt! Aren't you in the Land of the Rising Sun at the moment? I trust it's been exciting anyway. :3 I should be online most nights... and perhaps even all day in our timezone if I decide to become the occasional hermit. Feel free to nudge Miss Inkwood for RP anytime (unless she's been dragged into HM dungeons by a 'Meow'). 


I'd be interested in meeting your character, I am just not sure what the time zone is. I'm in Central US or one hour behind east coast.


Hello! I'm in GMT+8 which puts me exactly 12hs ahead of those in EST. For the month of June, however, I might actually be able to make it online on most EST evenings. We can plan ahead, plot, arrange a meeting (:

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Four plus hours into RPing with Avis and I can honestly say she's one of the best characters I've had the pleasure of interacting with in this community. Don't regret reaching out to Elysia at all; a kind, friendly, skilled writer all around.

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...because we know there's no way she can outdo a certain duskwight friend of hers in nerdy nonsense. /sort-of-shameless plug


Ummm. Hi. I am dragging my chronically shy self out of hiding to post this because I am finally, finally freer for the next, well, four weeks of so of vacation perfection. I'm looking for more connections for my main, Avis, who's basically a nosy, restless, poetic goose looking to get herself in all sorts of trouble. Here, have a picture. 








RP hooks:

  • Avis is based in Limsa Lominsa, so potential friends and enemies of all kinds are welcome to accost her. 
  • She's a ghostwriter / letter writer / scribe and doesn't necessarily charge gil for her services. She'd accept almost anything in exchange - the more amusing, the better. 
  • If your character enjoys telling or listening to stories, he or she might find a fine companion in Avis. ...Someone has also recently gotten it into her head that dropping cryptic, poetic, anonymous notes all over Eorzea for curious travelers might be an Interesting Thing To Do. If your character would like to come across and pick up any of these Questionable Words of Wisdom, please PM me.
  • Your character might have caught glimpses of Avis around if he or she is part of the Arcanist's Guild. Please disabuse her of the notion that all of its members are dull and pedantic by nature. 
  • If your character enjoys wandering in 'the wilderness', Avis is a likely person to run into. She could be roaming anywhere in Vylbrand and, more recently, the Shroud. She's especially fond of high places and old sites of historical interest.
  • Avis always enjoys a good tavern, strong drink and meandering, philosophical conversations. Especially if your character indulges her thousand-and-one questions. 
  • While Avis generally keeps away from Ul'dah and the Goblet for reasons no one has actually successfully coerced out of her yet, I'd actually be interested in letting her run into old Ul'dahn associates - especially those on extreme ends of the social spectrum. Let's plot. 
  • Avis likes adventure. Please involve her in any witchy / scholarly shenanigans - or plot of any kind, really - if you like. She is mostly curious enough to want in on and laugh at everything, and she finds everyone exciting. 


Other notes: 

  • I am from an impossible timezone (GMT+8) but when June hits I'll actually be around on EST evenings. Even on weekdays.  
  • If this interests you, I might have to PM you to schedule an appointment. I still have other RL commitments to attend to, sadly, and also a slowly leveling Au Ra alt, but I definitely want to make time for RP. :3
  • I am very, very much down for a reasonable amount of plotting. I like throwing my character into actual situations, though tavern chatter can sometimes be wonderful as well. 
  • I could be that long-winded para RPer from hell. ...At least, that's what I'm most naturally inclined to, so if you're the same, we need to be friends. That said, I (like to think that I) am equally capable of being concise when I have to!  ...This post totally proved otherwise, didn't it.
  • I also do forum RP, Skype, and 100-page Google documents. 
  • There are a few of you here that I'm supposed to hunt down but may not quite have gotten around to yet... I haven't forgotten you! *kicks timezone* ;_;
  • I do not belong to an FC. This is partly due to commitment / timezone issues... but I am definitely more than open to recommendations (pref a smaller / more close-knit one), & for linkshells too! 
  • And if you're so inclined, let's talk Xaela, too. 


If you actually made it through all of that, you're amazing and ilu. Thank you. *slinks away in mild terror* 



Hammer's been an Ul'dah fixture for decades, at various stages.  If she's a tavern talker she'd probably have been on the receiving end of Hammer's tongue at some point.  Most people end up on the punching side in places like the quicksand so most of Hammer's quieter, more brain-twisting talk takes place during the quieter moments.


If she's Ul'dah arcanist we might have more to 'plot', throw a PM if interested.

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I'd certainly love to meet her as well! Mitsuko writes a lot, though not in stories or anything, more just...scribe work! She does love speaking with people, or listening though, it's what she enjoys most when interacting with others!


Avis is perfectly happy listening as well, though she does go on off tangents easily if you mention even a word or phrase that piques her interest. She'd be happy to meet Mitsuko too. You can look out for me in-game or PM me to find out when I'm on (sometimes I'm leveling an alt). 


Hammersmith, throwing you a PM very soon - this ought to be intriguing. 


And Vetiver, you give me too much credit! Your character is adorable and it was a fun 4-5hs for me too. :3 They will meet again.

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