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Rock Me Amadeus

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Hey, everyone. My FC and I have been going through an arc which is basically giving us all new characters to play. We're calling it "Misericorde Generation 2" as it's a newly formed field team where all of our first characters are taking a more managerial back seat, since a lot of them sustained physical and emotional injuries from the last war.


With that, I've dug up one of my original character ideas. His name is Amadeus Greene. He's an ear-to-the-ground, knows-everyone-and-everyone-knows-him type of guy. He's been all over Eorzea doing whatever sounds interesting to him. 


Well, to really get the feel of a guy who knows everyone, I want to actually know everyone. (Also, I like you guys.) Expect to see him at every public event and at whatever walk-up RP I can find. 


In the meantime, I'm putting this thread in the Making Connections forum to see if anyone wants to RP with me so I can hammer out some subtleties in the character and get some good practice while making meaningful IC connections.

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Hey, everyone. My FC and I have been going through an arc which is basically giving us all new characters to play. We're calling it "Misericorde Generation 2" as it's a newly formed field team where all of our first characters are taking a more managerial back seat, since a lot of them sustained physical and emotional injuries from the last war.


With that, I've dug up one of my original character ideas. His name is Amadeus Greene. He's an ear-to-the-ground, knows-everyone-and-everyone-knows-him type of guy. He's been all over Eorzea doing whatever sounds interesting to him. 


Well, to really get the feel of a guy who knows everyone, I want to actually know everyone. (Also, I like you guys.) Expect to see him at every public event and at whatever walk-up RP I can find. 


In the meantime, I'm putting this thread in the Making Connections forum to see if anyone wants to RP with me so I can hammer out some subtleties in the character and get some good practice while making meaningful IC connections.

Myself (Reiner Dorn) Play a politco active Ala Mhigan revolutionary with Flames ties, and ties to many of the prominent Ala Mhigan characters. I am always looking for more contacts, and as I did meet you at Flynt Knoltros' Waystone event I'd really enjoy linking up with you ICly.

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Myself (Reiner Dorn) Play a politco active Ala Mhigan revolutionary with Flames ties, and ties to many of the prominent Ala Mhigan characters. I am always looking for more contacts, and as I did meet you at Flynt Knoltros' Waystone event I'd really enjoy linking up with you ICly.


Oh cool. Sounds great! I'll send you a message in-game next time we're both online.

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I'm not sure any of my characters would merit showing up on your guy's radar. An ex-Flames miner/mercenary under permanent bodyguard contract to a scholar, a tribal outcast miqo part-time postman fake!DRG, a magitek prodigy who can sling spells and punch things in the very same action who's currently being hunted by Garleans (scheduled to get her ass beat by some here in an hour-ish), a Doman refugee swordsman from a school of swordplay dedicated to eradicating voidsent, another Doman refugee from the military who's acting as a military scout/liaison to the Grand Companies, a bounty hunter wearing powered magitek armor and wielding energy weapons (he may actually be notable enough?), and a man who spends most of his time sitting in the Drowning Wench who carries a very unusual-looking pistol and claims to be a Maelstrom ambassador, citing his skill at reaching out and touching people.


So, yeah, that's them, if you think any of them are worth the time. xD

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So, yeah, that's them, if you think any of them are worth the time. xD


I think they're all worth the time! 


Amadeus isn't looking to ride the coat tails of important people. He enjoys the company and conversation of anyone he deems interesting. He would deem all of these people interesting.


If you want to meet Amadeus IC with any of them let me know. Sounds like fun.

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Given that I have so many characters and juggle progression, gathering, and stuff like that between them, it's usually easier to poke me to interact with one of them. I'm going to be on Chao for the rest of the night, likely, given that she has her event coming up soon. Afterwards she'll be stuck to a bed for several days but then opens up again.


The rest of my characters have no active plots whatsoever at the moment so it's really as simple as "Hey, get on X and come to Y" and I'll be like "sure, I'm not busy right now"

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Given that I have so many characters and juggle progression, gathering, and stuff like that between them, it's usually easier to poke me to interact with one of them. I'm going to be on Chao for the rest of the night, likely, given that she has her event coming up soon. Afterwards she'll be stuck to a bed for several days but then opens up again.


The rest of my characters have no active plots whatsoever at the moment so it's really as simple as "Hey, get on X and come to Y" and I'll be like "sure, I'm not busy right now"


Sounds good. I'll hit you up as soon as I can to see if you're free.

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Hi there!

Ren works as a bartender and is quite the friendly guy himself so I could definitely see our characters being buddies! Feel free to PM me or send a tell in game at X'rhen Tia. o/

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This guy and Zarek need to be buds, just saying.


Also gonna /derail your thread to say we also need RP on Martiallais and Uther. LETS DO DIS. 8-)


Yes on both counts. /derail approved.


I probably won't be RPing Uther much until Heavensward. He's off doing important things on his own and I'm not going to log onto him to run around in circles in Coerthas alone, yelling at no one, pretending I'm doing what he's doing in my head.


In the meantime, Amadeus has been hanging around between Limsa and Ul'dah jus' chillin'. OOC he's only level 23 so right now I'm focusing on leveling, but I've RP'd with him a few times with Misericorde and the kinks have been worked out and he's quickly becoming fleshed out into one of my favorite characters to RP.


Send me a message any time and we can meet up.

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Hi there!

Ren works as a bartender and is quite the friendly guy himself so I could definitely see our characters being buddies! Feel free to PM me or send a tell in game at X'rhen Tia. o/


Sounds good to me! Which bar? Is it one of the ones in major cities or something you came up with?

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Hi there!

Ren works as a bartender and is quite the friendly guy himself so I could definitely see our characters being buddies! Feel free to PM me or send a tell in game at X'rhen Tia. o/


Sounds good to me! Which bar? Is it one of the ones in major cities or something you came up with?


Ren currently works at the Ruby Carbuncle Inn in the Goblet as their resident bartender, but he has worked in little dingy bars and dives when he lived in Limsa Lominsa. He usually makes most of his friends and contacts through drinking so maybe that's a good place to start? ^^

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Ren currently works at the Ruby Carbuncle Inn in the Goblet as their resident bartender, but he has worked in little dingy bars and dives when he lived in Limsa Lominsa. He usually makes most of his friends and contacts through drinking so maybe that's a good place to start? ^^


Definitely. I probably won't be on much today, because there's a big county fair thing where I live and I have to get the guy to guess my age wrong so I can win an inflatable hammer or some other useless garbage and feel good about myself, but I'll be on this weekend.


What's the address of the place in the Goblet?

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Ren currently works at the Ruby Carbuncle Inn in the Goblet as their resident bartender, but he has worked in little dingy bars and dives when he lived in Limsa Lominsa. He usually makes most of his friends and contacts through drinking so maybe that's a good place to start? ^^


Definitely. I probably won't be on much today, because there's a big county fair thing where I live and I have to get the guy to guess my age wrong so I can win an inflatable hammer or some other useless garbage and feel good about myself, but I'll be on this weekend.


What's the address of the place in the Goblet?


Ward 7, Plot 13 *shameless advertising* It's a bit of a fancy place but we welcome all types of customers! And some point this weekend sounds good, just shoot me a /tell to see if I'm available. ^^ Good luck winning that inflatable hammer!

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Ward 7, Plot 13 *shameless advertising* It's a bit of a fancy place but we welcome all types of customers! And some point this weekend sounds good, just shoot me a /tell to see if I'm available. ^^ Good luck winning that inflatable hammer!


Lol thanks. And yeah, being a fancy place is nbd. Amadeus is friends with nobles and peasants alike. He kind of goes where he wants as long as he has the money in his pocket.

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