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New Player Trying to Find Their Footing

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Hello all, and what a nice community you seem to have.  I've been lightly playing FFXIV for a little bit now-I haven't had time to really sink my teeth in, but I'm liking it so far and have decided to make Balmung my home.  I originally chose a random server, not knowing there was a roleplaying one, but soon found information about unofficial roleplay servers and the like, debated for a while, and decided to stick with Balmung.  Woke up early one morning to make my first character on the server.


So far the game has been accessible and enjoyable-it has been over five years since I've played an MMO but at one point I was fairly active on the Antonia Bayle RP server in EverQuest 2, which is actually what drew me to Balmung.  Antonia Bayle was one of the oldest EQ2 servers, the main RP server, and had an excellent, excellent community.  I've read similar about Balmung, and the similar profile of the two lead me here.


I honestly don't RP a great deal anymore except in weekly tabletop sessions, but am somewhat interested in getting back into it, and I always find the environment of a roleplay server to be what I like-better naming conventions and nicer people.  I'm big on naming conventions, and I like to feel at least somewhat immersed in the game world, and whether I'm actively roleplaying or not I try not to break the immersion of others.


One problem, of sorts, I've had is that I have had a very quiet time so far.  I've soloed exclusively and have yet to really talk to anyone.  I'm not very forward most of the time, anyhow, but I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong.  I haven't yet left Limsa Lominsa, to be fair, and will soon be going to Ul'Dah to change my class to Gladiator because that is my play style-realized Arcanist wasn't my bag fairly early but didn't want to wake up in the small hours of the morning to re roll.  


Given this, I'd love any beginner tips to help me get acquainted with Eorzea, Balmung, and FFXIV in general, though I imagine I will find my way.  This isn't my first rodeo by a long shot.  From what lurking I've done, though, I think I've found a fitting new world to hang out in.


I look forward to gradually getting to know some people and discovering more.  I am quite a casual player, I don't always have a great deal of time to play and am notoriously slow at just about every MMO activity, I must warn you, but I am fairly competent and do love some good role play.

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Howdy, and I would say you are not alone in this. I know several people who are just enjoying this and not sweating progress .


If you want a nice chilled place to chat, get help and find others still levelling and such. Come join us in Hugs & Cakes. Last night one member got to 20 in their main class.

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Hi! A very big welcome to you.


Ul'dah is the main hub for open world RP, especially around the Adventurer's Guild. Lately it's been spreading to the other Adventurer's Guilds in other cities as well, so don't worry you will come across something soon! :P


The Main Scenario quests are neccessary in order to progress through the game, although a little tedious sometimes, and aside from any dungeon/trial they are solo. The first 15 levels of the game are very tutorial-y, but when you hit level 15 you'll enter your first dungeon and unlock easy access to Gridania and Ul'Dah, so hopefully that will help it feel a little less quiet.


I highly recommend joining a Linkshell or Free Company to help socialize more! If you click the Linkshell tab under the header there are many FC/LS members here have made. Some are specific roleplay groups with a plot, others are more general chat.


Do you have any idea of what you'd like your character to be like, roleplay wise? That might help finding a group that suits you. Or in Ul'Dah there is a lot of walk-up RP, so that might help for some casual roleplay.


Feel free to post any enquires you might have! We're very friendly there, and we can go into more detail if there's anything in particular you're interested in. :)

Look forward to seeing you around!

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Welcome to Balmung and the RPC!


I can tell you from experience when I first joined FFXIV without knowing anyone, that you can play this game solo for a very long time. Especially leveling and doing dungeons and such. It isn't that you are doing anything wrong, it's just that route is easily available to you.


Of course, if you are looking for roleplay, soloing and leveling all day isn't fun.


Aris has already given you some very good advice. You are likely to find more random and walk-up RPs in Ul'dah, and since you are headed that way for gladiator training all the better! But there are also plenty of great RPers and RP going on outside of Ul'dah too. Also, attending public RP events, like the Grindstone on Saturdays just outside of Ul'dah gates is a good way to meet some RPers.


What I also did was lurk in the forums and picked out a few players to contact and PM'ed them to see if they were willing to RP with me. A random meeting if you will.


Joining an RP oriented (not necessarily IC mind you) LS is also a great idea, since you can then get acquainted with a group of RPers in that LS. You can peruse through the LS folder and see what perks your interest.


I wish you good luck and lots of fun! :)

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