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Returning FFXIV player, longtime role-player, Balmung server.

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Greetings, all!


I play the lalafell summoner and eldritch scientist Totoki Estoria on the Balmung server. I left the game a while ago for various reasons, but have returned and am looking forward to immersing myself in an active role-play environment.


I've been playing paper/dice role-playing games for a little over 25 years, starting with Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition. Over the years I've played every version of Dungeons and Dragons, both past and present, quite extensively (I'm very, very fond of the Next/5th of late), as well as literally dozens of other systems in a broad variety of settings.


I began RPing online in the days of the dial-in BBS, both structured and free-form. From there, I graduated to MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, and the like, then to webchats like WBS and its kin, then to IRC where I spent most of my online RP career (something in the neighborhood of 15 years) playing on the DalNet, StarChat, and Sorcery networks. I started RPing in MMOs back in Ultima Online, and carried it through in every MMO I have played since. And I've played a lot of them, but most notably UO, EQ, FFXI, WoW, EVE, STO, RIFT, Wildstar, and FFXIV. I have described myself more than once as a lifelong devotee to the artform of collaborative storytelling. I'm represented by one of the letters in the LGBTQA+ alphabet soup.


I started playing FFXIV during it's original launch but I found the game lacking and didn't hang about long. I was also pretty deeply involved in RP groups in WoW and EVE at the time, so the game didn't hold much interest. I returned briefly when for ARR, which is when I first discovered the RPC from conversations on various forums about which servers would become the RP server since SE had declined to designate one, but various real-life obligations kept me from sticking about or becoming involved (though I did register my RPC forum account about that time, interestingly enough - the desire was there, at any rate). Now, however, real life and else-game obligations have ameliorated. I have some free time and I'd like to get involved!


I would describe myself as a medium-to-heavy role-player. I like enduring stories and character interactions, I like growth and development. I'm a mature player and not at all opposed to mature and/or adult themes and scenes.


Totoki's character is still being shaped to some degree. I've always imagined her as a reasonably no-nonsense scientist, but I suspect that I won't fully understand who exactly she is until I have an opportunity to play her some.

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Well then, it is a pleasure to have you back ol' chum!


I find that really we never know exactly who our characters are until we're already roleplaying them. We basically set a direction, keep a series of goals in mind, and then release them out into the world to develop into the person that their fate guides them towards. It sounds like you've a solid plan, and I might suggest you take a look at an upcoming event in the works, [here], that might prove an excellent springboard for your character's scientific career here on the server.


Best of luck, and feel free to shout if you have any questions!

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