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New to the Balmung RP Community. Hello!

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Hello everyone!


Glad to finally join the RP Community in FF XIV. I got very lost in the beta and gave up, truth be told. However, I'm a big fan of MMO's and constantly saw the success of this game. I've always loved the Final Fantasy IP and finally decided to give it another go.


I'm so glad that I have! I've done dungeons, gotten several classes into the 20's and am ready to start investing myself into the community at large.



--MMORPG background

World of Warcraft, Rift, Tera, Guild Wars 1 and 2, ArcheAge, SWTOR and a tiny bit of Elder Scrolls online.



--RP experience


I've been RPing for 14 years, started with table top and moved into yahoo custom chatrooms. Then I discovered forums and finally was introduced to RPing in games such as WoW.


--Character ideas/info


My main will likely be Scorpio, a Duskwight Elezen who had a peculiar curiosity amongst his cave dwelling companions and ventured into the world, destined to be a Scholar.


--How did you learn about the coalition?


Google! Oh, and some Twitch streams talking about how Balmung was the best RP Server ever.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


Heavy. I try to avoid OOC unless necessary, but I may for the linkshell and purposes of connecting with other RP'ers.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? 



I graduated with a double major in Public Relations and Communications for my Bachelors. I'm very interested in how people communicate with one another, with corporations, etc. Cultures that are different from my own are extremely interesting and I seek to empathize with others through understanding. 


I'm also quite the nerd and absorb information about technology like a sponge. This lead me to the position of an IT Service Desk technician, where I use my skills of communication to help individuals with technology problems.



Oh and I'm also a member of a large RP guild for Star Citizen, but that game won't be out for years. So, there's that.

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Welcome to the Forums!


Balmung is a really great server, and there is always open world RP happening all over the place. Enjoy your stay :3


Thanks! I've seen it, though not truly participated yet. (Mostly because I've been enjoying the gameplay so much)


I just started going through the RP Linkshell / FC section of the site and it's a bit overwhelming.


If anyone has suggestions for heavy RP Free Companies, then please don't hesitate to let me know. I'll probably make a more detailed post about my character in the RP Connections subforum soon.

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Welcome to the Forums!


Balmung is a really great server, and there is always open world RP happening all over the place. Enjoy your stay :3


Thanks! I've seen it, though not truly participated yet. (Mostly because I've been enjoying the gameplay so much)


I just started going through the RP Linkshell / FC section of the site and it's a bit overwhelming.


If anyone has suggestions for heavy RP Free Companies, then please don't hesitate to let me know. I'll probably make a more detailed post about my character in the RP Connections subforum soon.


It really depends on what your character is like, there are many RP FCs that are built around certain themes. For example Phoenix Rose (my FC) is focused on sort of castaways and slaves and rehabilitating people chewed up by the world. A bright eyed young brave adventurer likely wouldn't feel at home.


Others are more generic. HoD is a good example of a social rp FC that is rather open in its scope.

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Oh, that's understandable. I definitely wouldn't want to join a Free Company that doesn't fit my character. At the same time, I'm not sure I want something that open where I'd be lost.. For a scholar, an academic setting or one that values knowledge would likely be best. 


Elezen ones that aren't too harsh against Duskwights might also work. Like I said, I'll probably make a more detailed post in the RP connections thread. But thoughts, suggestions and insight are definitely welcome.

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Welcome to the forums, Scorpio, even though I think you beat me for senority.


('-' )

What makes you say that? You've got quite a few more posts than me and a level 50!


Or you just makin' fun of my age. :dodgy:

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Welcome to the forums, Scorpio, even though I think you beat me for senority.


('-' )

What makes you say that? You've got quite a few more posts than me and a level 50!


Or you just makin' fun of my age. :dodgy:

I meant on account age and whatnot.


For some reason, I thought you were on this forum much longer than me

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Oh okay! Haha, probably because I mentioned my failed experience in beta?


Alas, I did not join this site at the time. I typically won't engage a community site unless I'm really confident that I'll be around for awhile.

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Oh okay! Haha, probably because I mentioned my failed experience in beta?


Alas, I did not join this site at the time. I typically won't engage a community site unless I'm really confident that I'll be around for awhile.

Nah, I saw you post somewhere else on the forum, so I assumed you were here much longer than I thought



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Oh okay! Haha, probably because I mentioned my failed experience in beta?


Alas, I did not join this site at the time. I typically won't engage a community site unless I'm really confident that I'll be around for awhile.

Nah, I saw you post somewhere else on the forum, so I assumed you were here much longer than I thought



Wait, really? Do I have that bad of a memory?




:? Where did I post at? :?

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Wait, really? Do I have that bad of a memory?




:? Where did I post at? :?


That or I'm an idiot, I don't know, lol.


Yeah, I'm an idiot. Someone else uses a cactuar avatar as well, so I apparently suck at recognizing things.

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