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A Shy-ish Hello~

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Hello! Ah, gosh I'm no good at these things. My pseudonym is Xypher, but feel free to call me Xavier if you wish!



I venture forth here from the land of Too'MuchGoogle today under some (potentially) strange circumstances; I am not new to MMOs/FF XIV: ARR or role-playing, but I AM new to role-playing in an MMO. Weird, huh? That's one reason why I'm here! I figured it was high time to learn the wonderful craft that is MMO role-playing!


A bit about the man behind this post, shall we? I've been roleplaying and/or writing since I was a wee laddie at the age of 6 (I am currently 20 at the time of writing this) and I have an absolute burning passion rooted in the core of my heart for making characters. Not a day goes by where I'm not weaving some crazy scheme or story! (Whether or not I use those ideas however is a whole different primal problem of itself.) I aspire to be a game designer (specifically Character Design) and will hopefully be attending college for such very soon here. I'm pretty approachable, though I do tend to be incredibly shy at first.



Enough about me though, let's talk potential faces! I currently have two designs that I may focus on: A male Keeper Miqo'te Black Mage by the name of Rue'tan Kujowa (who doesn't have a Miqo'te these days? :lol: ) presently on Behemoth and a yet unnamed male Wildwood Elezen White Mage-to-be who will be my representing character on Balmung. I've got some pretty rough ideas fleshed out, but I'll need some more lore before I really take a nosedive in to layering on the histories.



Seeing as I'm a wee babe in the wild woods that is MMO roleplaying I'll probably start as a light-to-medium roleplayer with hopes of branching out and gearing a bit more towards the heavier side once I'm comfortable with my abilities to handle my characters.



I hope we can get along and that I can learn the ways of MMO-RP! :D

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Thanks! I'm admittedly quite nervous as this is rather out of my cozy zone, but nothing ventured nothing gained right?


Please don't hesitate to fix any inconsistencies I might have--I never bite, and I always welcome feedback. ;w;

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I wanna be your friend just for the Fire Emblem avi. Do look me up or ill find you so we can chat FE.

Unfortunately I haven't captured that elusive Balmung spot yet, but I do possess a Skype that I frequent every waking hour of my days! Also, I would love to chat about my (albeit limited) knowledge of FE! (If you like, I can message you my Skype info if you have that as well?)

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Welcome to FFXIV, and RPC while we're at it!


I am almost always available for RP should you not be able to find any.


Also, Ephraim is easily the best character in Sacred Stones. :D


Thanks! I'll definitely keep you in mind when I manage to slip on to Balmung. Right now I'm just camping that Refresh button in the New Character screen, aha.


I haven't fully played SS (nor played it in forever) but I'm partially inclined to agree with you on that. :P

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