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Yet another new person! (-ish)


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Hello there everyone! My RL name is Sean, though I generally just go by the name of whichever character happens to be my main character in a given setting(Or by Phoenix), though to be entirely honest I tend to answer to just about anything provided I am given reason to suspect that I am the one being addressed. I am actually a returning player to FFXIV and the RPC community as a whole, though I figured I'd reintroduce myself anyway, as I was forced away from the game and community due to a dying computer before I had much of an opportunity within which to partake in RP.

In any case, I am an experienced RPer who has bounced around from game to game for quite a few years now, in fact, I've been in so many places that some of you coming from other games may already know me to some capacity. To list a few of my many main characters, I was Markus Sharps in Guild Wars 2, Alarrick Eglan in Lord of the Rings Online, Pyre Valisade in Star Wars the Old Republic, Markus Ward in The Secret World and Marrick Korvall in The Elder Scrolls Online. Of those named above, I do continue to RP in varying capacities in Guild Wars 2, Star Wars the Old Republic and The Secret World. 


The character that will be taking the roll of my main, so to speak, is Thruinaux Baelmont. Thruinaux is still very much a work in progress in regards to a concept, but for the time being I've decided to RP him as a native of Ala Mhigo (Yes, I know, he's an Elezen from Ala Mhigo, SHOCKING!) Thruinaux was a resident of the City State at the time of it's fall to the Garlean Empire, and carried on to become a prominent member of the Ala Mhigan resistance. Quite a few years and number of extenuating circumstances(The details of which are still in development) later, and Thruinaux is now a freelance adventurer and mercenary wandering Eorzea alongside a select few close companions.(Who will in time be RPed by a small group of close RL friends who will eventually be making their way into RP)


If I had to classify myself into a category of RPer, I would most certainly refer to myself as a heavy RPer. I love long, overarching plotlines and well developed characters. I also tend to be In Character as often as possible, as the bulk of my reasoning for playing MMOs as a whole is RP. (Though I find myself enjoying FFXIV to a far greater extent that just about any other MMO I've ever played, and as such this motivation may find itself subject to change)


Despite my preference for heavy RP, my play times can vary somewhat dramatically. I work from 6AM to 2:30PM EST on weekdays and have weekends off, but my RL social life frequently drags me away from RP for short periods of time, and my continued RP in various other MMOs also lends to a tendency of disappearing at random intervals.


All in all, I am thoroughly enjoying FFXIV as a game, and can't wait to immerse myself in RP. As such, I look forward to seeing each and every one of you in game at some point in the near future!

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I've decided to RP him as a native of Ala Mhigo (Yes, I know, he's an Elezen from Ala Mhigo, SHOCKING!) Thruinaux was a resident of the City State at the time of it's fall to the Garlean Empire, and carried on to become a prominent member of the Ala Mhigan resistance.


Not shocking at all! ^^


So welcome fellow Ala Mhigan to Eorzea and the RPC! My RP time is always super scarce and super random, but if you ever do catch me on, feel free to say hi to Sounsyy. She's another former Ala Mhigan Resistance member from back in the day.

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I've decided to RP him as a native of Ala Mhigo (Yes, I know, he's an Elezen from Ala Mhigo, SHOCKING!) Thruinaux was a resident of the City State at the time of it's fall to the Garlean Empire, and carried on to become a prominent member of the Ala Mhigan resistance.


Not shocking at all! ^^


So welcome fellow Ala Mhigan to Eorzea and the RPC! My RP time is always super scarce and super random, but if you ever do catch me on, feel free to say hi to Sounsyy. She's another former Ala Mhigan Resistance member from back in the day.

Awesome! I'll absolutely say hello if I ever see you online!

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