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(Outdated) Reclamations United and the JCC Linkshell

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Outdated Information: Please refer to

The Jenova Server and the Jenova Casual Corner Linkshell, more specifically, are still active and recruiting! 


The community as a whole has been active and stable for close to a year and a half now, and we've got three linkshells for people to join in order to connect and communicate. We seek to promote wide and active RP on the server, and to provide a friendly environment. Our rules and regulations are fairly simple, and designed to ensure that abuse of power and infighting is limited as much as possible, to ensure that our community remains strong and civil.


The Jenova Casual Corner is primarily administrated by Reclamations United, though we accept players from any company that may wish to join. We do not operate on a quota or quality system, and roleplayers of any experience level or skill are welcome.


For more information, feel free to check out the links below, or simply to send a /tell to one of the listed players.


Linkshell rules and additional information: http://tinyurl.com/jccrules

Members to contact: Bhayaar Qestir, Kazarien Zerick (Tilla Reeve), Aliona Inna (Miah Bajhiri), Moira Xanaha.


Miscellaneous Info:

Active 7 days a week, nearly all times of day. Furnished Lavender Beds Manor with vendors and craft stations. RP focused, without quotas or required logins. We keep EXP boosts up.


Current Recurring Events:

Reclamations United Open House on Sundays at 5PM PST, at the Lavender Beds, Ward 4 Plot 6.

Fight Night! At Goblet Ward 11 Plot 11 (/tell Lei Ashi for information)

General open-world RP and pick-up RP whenever requested by members.

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I'd love to join those linkshells and the community, but I haven't been able to find you online. I'll keep checking, otherwise, I'll try to find you at the open house.


Thanks for putting things together!



I've been attempting to reach you for a while, but when I try, you're either AFK or in-duty. I'll keep trying.

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  • 1 month later...

Are you guys still active? My friend and I are looking to join Jenova for a not totally full RP server and are looking for other RPers.


Edit: Didn't see the last post was only dated a few days ago, so I'm going to assume you all didn't drop off the face of the earth in the course of a few days. Hopefully I can track some of you down online later tonight. ^_^

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