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Returned to game hoping to be more RP social this go!

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Hello all!


I've recently just returned to the game for Havensward. I've been gone for a little over a year and I'm hoping this time to sink my teeth into the game and really experience everything and be more social in RP.


I'm usually more of an observer and RP on occasion (when I feel I can be apart of it) person. I'm hoping to break that habit this time and to be much more hands on!


I play Keraya War'Siren on Balmung! I hope to see some of you in game!

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Welcome welcome :D

The best way to get involved is to literally jump right in. And keep jumping til you like your surroundings and don't feel the need to jump no more 


Feel free to add Sayuri Kanno if ur looking to add peeps to play with!


Thanks! I plan to this time around!!!  I'll add you when I get on later. :)

hey welcome back, hope to seeya in game!


Thanks! Same here! 

Welcome back! If you see Bela around feel free to gimme a poke! :)


Thanks!! I will do just that!!! :)

Welcome! :)

 Thank you!

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