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Margarah Fashion Duel

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The following flier is plastered around each city...




OOC Details: [spoil]Full details can be found at this thread-- viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2796


When: Saturday, April 21st. 8 pm EST. Models and judges gather earlier if possible.

Where: Gridanian Amphitheatre

What: Fashion showdown!

Notes: Numerous NPC nobles will be in attendance and will almost certainly try to hog all the front seats >.>[/spoil]

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Reminder that the first preparation event is tonight around 7pm EST (may be pushed back to 8 if necessary). Team Avalon will meet in Limsa at the Anchor Yard. Team Margarah will meet at the Gridanian Amphitheatre. Judges may attend either team's meeting they wish. To better increase turnout, models are welcome to bring friends/coaches/etc to the event, though they will have to not interfere with the process or anything.


I haven't had a chance to RP with certain individuals who wanted to model yet. I'll be in game around 3-4pm EST and onward if it's still needed. I'm very open to having more models still. Also still need to find an announcer before next week! All you have to do is make comments as the models strut across stage. For example: "And here comes flaunting a beautiful crimson coatee with matching tights and shoes. She's also sporting gold bracelets designed by exclusively for this show!"


A backup judge or two would be nice as well (though you likely wouldn't be needed since the judges seem to have their schedules clear, but it's best to be safe!).

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To My Adoring Public and Team Avalon,


The light of the moon the night the fashion show preparations were to be made was simply unflattering for a complexion as fair as mine. There was no possible way I was able to be in attendance, but I never disappoint my team, my fans... or my opponents.


Therefore, I have chosen the 17th Sun of the Second Astral Moon as much more appropriate date for the preparations to take place. The members of Team Magarah will grace the stage with their radiating presence and will surely be a treat for all those who wish to spectate. I shall be leading our team and loyal fans in collecting the ingredients for the ever popular, non-toxic, all natural "Formula V" Perfume which all our models will be wearing and displaying during the show. Portraits and signings with our models will be available after the event as all will wish to cherish such a fabulous momento. Team Avalon shall also have an opportunity to try and brush up on their skills by taking the stage as well to practice, should they still wish to compete. All judges are welcomed to attend to ensure that the competition is as fair as possible considering the gap in experience and talent.


I wish you all good health and above all, be beauty.

Nina Mavanix


OOC Details:

[spoil]When: Tuesday, April 17th. 8 pm EST. Models and judges gather earlier if possible.

Where: Gridanian Amphitheatre

What: Fashion Duel

Notes: This was originally scheduled for Friday the 13th, but due to RL issues I was unable to attend. We'd like to have a nice turn out for this as it is a precursor to the upcoming Fashion Duel.[/spoil]

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Bump! Big day is tomorrow!


*Models be sure to have a total of 3 different outfits ready to go.


*Models and judges (and announcer), please try to arrive an hour early (~7pm EST) to get setup so we don't have to delay the event too long. We will need to go over procedures and whatnot after all.


*Participants, please be aware of two things:

[tab=30]1. There will be various nobles present at the event as NPCs. So just RP that accordingly upon arriving. They'll probably try to hog most of the front seats and whatnot :P

[tab=30]2. There will be 2 intermission periods in which the models change outfits. During this time, you may Rp freely through the amphitheatre. There may be some shady stuff going down within the competition as well, so feel free to get involved in that (whether it means hindering the potential cheating or helping :twisted: )

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Thank you everyone who helped and showed up! It was a great event, though the audience could have been bigger considering the amount of publicity. But it was awesome nonetheless. Congrats to Team Avalon/Everwatch for their victory! And hope everyone enjoyed Nina and Kalara as much as I did. The chaos they swept in sure knew how to put a damper on even the most light-hearted of events!


Thanks to Aysun, Dralid, Calico, Yssen, Selene, Nel, and Syesta for modeling! Thanks to Eva, Xenedra, and Kannadi for judging! Thanks to Aylis for announcing! You all did awesome work. Also thanks to Seraphine for helping out so much with this event. Also thanks to Corvus Cinis for acting as backup models, despite not being needed. But it was nice to have a backup ready at a moment's notice. And thanks to all who showed up for the fun RP!

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