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A new arrival looking for a world to live in.

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Hello there. I finally decided to get in on this and had just made my account last night. I was ecstatic to find that there seemed to be a dedicated roleplay server in Balmung! ...only to find it's full and not accepting new characters. But luckily Gilgamesh was also a roleplaying server! ...but it's also full... I'd really like to enjoy this game to the fullest so is there a third server known for roleplaying or am I just completely out of luck?

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Apparently Jenova and ...Faerie? might be trying to start up roleplaying communities.


The two largest are Balmung and Gilgamesh with no comparison. If you want to play on either of those servers, don't give up hope. Recruitment tends to open up in the early, early hours of the morning from what I've heard (like, 2-4 a.m.) If you don't want to put in the effort to try to join the servers at those times, I'd recommend searching the forums to find other budding RP servers, like the first two I mentioned.


Good luck in your quest to find a server to call home.


Don't give up hope!

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