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Hello, I'm Riven-currently on Famfrit, but will be transferring to Balmung (when I get my paycheck next week, heh heh).


I am an experienced RPer, primarily from Warcraft (I have several characters on Moon Guard, been there from '07).  However given quite a bit of OOC drama and stress, I decided to give FF 14 a try.  So far I'm liking it, but I miss RP-and I'd like to get my feet wet.


I have background and everything else set up for my character-but I was wondering, are there any major dos or don'ts when it comes to FF 14 lore, or is it the basic 'no godmodding' and whatnot?

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It's pretty normal for MMO-RP I think.


Provided you aren't somehow slaughtering the lore or can explain away anything that might be a stretch, there should be no major issues. :)


If you've got a wiki page or character concept you want to run by the community, feel free to!


Or if you've got any questions, we can help out there too. There are a few resident lore addicts on the RPC.

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I think unnamed pretty much said everything I was going to say. But welcome!! The community here is pretty nice. And yea as long as you don't godmode or over slaughter the lore, you should be good. Though some people are really uptight on lore benders..if you find that issue, don't get discouraged. Just learn and maybe just find a different person. Everyone/ diff groups have their own style. I found there is a spot for everyone. 

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Hello and welcome!


You will find every sort of roleplayer here, ones who stick closely to lore, and people who take a bit more liberties. There is everything to be found for everyone really. Generally people just bow out respectfully if they do not agree, and that is about it. Nothing to be worried about :)


Hope you will enjoy your stay

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