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Looking for Contacts

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So this is a rather specific request but I've been working on leveling my alt...Her reason for leaving Othard is prolly a bit different from most--she is hunting a traitor from her tribe who ran and snuck aboard one of the ships.  His (I've been rping it as a man but it could be a woman?) betrayal which help lead to the Kharlu take control of the eastern coastlands for that year.


So yeah, I'd like connections in that department.  Say you have a Xaela that you're not sure what to do with or you're of the Jhungid tribe and would know of her mission somehow....I'd like to RP on her more now that I've progressed quite a bit on her.


Please send me a tell on Shar Jhungid or Asheloux Thalantos or post her...or send me a pm >.<


I'm still working on her wiki....work has been making me super busy for that thing.  Only recently updated Ashe's.


EDIT: Character now has a wiki...still need to add image and history.

Also edited to expand on the fact that I'm looking for new RP contacts in general.

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