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New to RP'ing and looking to get immersed!


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Hello everyone! 


So, I've been lurking on here for the last couple of days while I was polishing off my character and decided it would be beneficial for me to say "Hi!" to everyone :D


When it comes to writing I've been doing that for more than a decade, but actual roleplaying is something I have only dabbled in lightly in the past for a brief time. When 2.0 came out I RP'd with someone a bit, but they weren't too into it and we ended up parting ways.


Fast forward to now and I got lucky with the fact that a couple people in my FC have been RP'ing for a combined total of over 21 years and thus have been super awesome in getting me involved and helping me get situated. I've done a lot of research and reading to prepare myself and, just today, had my first heavy RP experience 8-)


It was a great time and I can't wait to meet new people, both IC and OOC, and get involved in some community functions! My character's name is Vale Myr'it on Balmung and he's a mercenary with a rather murky, and tragic, past. More details can be found over on his RPC page


I look forward to meeting all of you and should you have any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to chime in! :)

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Welcome aboard!

It is so nice to surround yourself with people who encourage it; your wiki page has so much to it without making my eyes glaze over. :blush: Crispy chicken and truth! I love it!

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