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Happy, friendly migo’te looking for more friends.

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Sitting near the edge of a small overlook, Sihqih glances around with bright eyes and a wide smile on her face.  Wearing armor that is a mixture of leather and metal bits, the leather is dyed a stark white in hopes of keeping the hot Uldah sun from roasting her alive.  It was not doing the best of jobs, as the little lady tugs her glove free from her hand to then wipe sweat from her brow. Even though she was warm, she just looks happy to be wearing that armor as it stands out in a stark contrast to her blueish tinged skin.  Her hand wipes away the near silver hair from her brow, as she lets out a little sigh from the heat of the day.


So yes, hello there!

My little Sih is severely lacking in regular contacts for friends at the moment.  I am in a FC, and while small, I love it there.  So I am not looking to change.  But with it being small, that does means there are many times where not all of us are online.  And that also happens to be at times when friends of mine are not online! 

So I am looking for a few more contacts to round out Sih’s day, and to perhaps even go do things with.  I am also more than happy for any possible LS’s! 


I’m EST, though my play times are all over the place.  Usually in the evenings to late night, but I have been known to randomly log in during the day or afternoon at times.


Sih is currently a warrior, and in fact she just unlocked it!  So indeed, level 30 as time of this post.  I am trying to level, but I fully admit it is not the main focus of my game. 

Roleplaying is what I do and love, more than anything else.  Above is a little example of my writing, so you have an idea of what I do.  I tend to paragraph post in game, sometimes even two or three when the mood strikes.  Of course I do not just flood a busy room with what I write!  But, just warning that I will put out a lot of words at times. 

And, well…sorry to be a little elitist here, but I would really prefer my partner to be doing the same! 





Personality traits:

Silly, funny, excitable. 

Sih tends to leap before she thinks, and only really starts to think after something bad has happened.  The best example would be when she tried to hug her friend from behind…when said friend was completely oblivious to Sih’s presence.  And sitting on the edge of some docks!  Needless to say, they both went into the water.   She is a happy lady at heart, and loves to surround herself with nice things. 



Just going to give a small run-down here, as it is still a work in progress.  Sih grew up as a near street-rat in Limsa, taking jobs when and where she could.  Mostly working around the docks, before ending up finding a small niche as a courier. 

This ended up with her starting to travel the world, and now she has decided to become an adventurer.  Taking up the axe to protect herself, she is trying to model herself after some of the famous marauders that she grew up hearing about.  Now staying where ever she can find a place to sleep, she has taken up with a company that has managed to find her steady work.  Flush with more money than she has ever seen before, she is enjoying the comforts of life previously unavailable to her.


What I ultimately want:

Adventure, long term rp, stories to be built and talked about!  I want people who are going to come into her life and stay there.  I do not want people to pass through, barring of course if we meet and we do not click.  I’m not for everyone, and not everyone is for me!  So I hold no illusions there.  I am completely open to something of a romantic plot for Sih, but she enjoys the company of ladies.  Sorry guys, you are wonderful friends and people to adventure with!  But that’s going to be it.  Of course with that said!  If there is to be any form of romance?  It must be something that is worked on, and not something that just immediately happens.  Sih is friendly and possibly even a little flirtatious at times, but that’s it!  Get time to know her, before trying anything.

I also as a player do enjoy casual talking from time to time.  Nothing major, nothing too deep, but just a ‘hello,how is your day going?’ type of thing.  I enjoy a bit of idle chitchat while leveling, or even to plan out a rp.  Just find that being friendly is a good way to go about it.  And hey, I might be persuaded to tank for people?


What I do not want:

Overly clingy people! 

Now, I know I said that I enjoy banter and talking, but I do not want someone that is going to pout or get huffy if I have other rp to attend.  Or that I might feel like leveling a bit that day.  I do a fair bit of walk up and random rp, and that can be very hit or miss.  Sometimes I will be swamped just by saying hello to people!  Other times I will have utterly nothing.  I just do not want someone who is going to be upset that I might be doing other things that day.

I also do not want people that never have time for me.  I know, I’m just getting picky here!  But I want that nice happy medium.

I do not want people who are pushy, or trying to take the rpin a direction that I am not comfortable with. And trust me, I will speak up if that occurs.  If it continues to occur, I have no issues walking away. 



Well, I have most likely rambled enough here!  So, feel free to drop me a message or look up Sihqih Linnha in game!

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