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(Not so) new to Balmung


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Hello everyone!


I'm relatively new to the Final Fantasy Roleplaying scene, however I have RPed in WoW and SWTOR (Moon Guard and Lord Adraas/Ebon Hawk respectively) I have been playing on Balmung for a little over a month now so *waves* hello everyone!


EDIT: So a bit more about myself, I've been in the roleplaying scene for about 7 years now mostly in WoW, but I've done some RPs in settings such as Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and so on. In WoW I played in both Private servers as well as on retail. My main character being Andarion on Moon Guard. In Lord Addraas/Ebon Hawk my characters were Lorentz Damaris/Landrian Rivers so there's that!


I look forward to meeting new people here in Balmung and FFXIV!

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Hello there~ Welcome to the roleplay scene? ^^


If you ever find yourself bored, my little Suzume hangs out in the Drowning Wench a lot. She isn't one to initiate conversation, but will talk once you get her started. She watches people a lot. Sorry if she creeps on your character at any point. ^^;

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Moon Guard! Lalalalalala~


That name sounds familiar. Pretty sure I remember seeing it around the High Home with the sun guard or something.


I was on Moon Guard for years as Iavasul, but never really got outside of role playing with a very small circle of friends. I invested a lot of time into PvE instead. :blush:


A really nice community of creative role players have made their way onto Balmung so welcome aboard! With the expansion well on its way I see so many events and stories happening again so there's a lot to get involved in!



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Moon Guard! Lalalalalala~


That name sounds familiar. Pretty sure I remember seeing it around the High Home with the sun guard or something.


I was on Moon Guard for years as Iavasul, but never really got outside of role playing with a very small circle of friends. I invested a lot of time into PvE instead. :blush:


A really nice community of creative role players have made their way onto Balmung so welcome aboard! With the expansion well on its way I see so many events and stories happening again so there's a lot to get involved in!




Thanks and you're correct! I have been a member of the Sunguard for like 2-3 about 3 years, and a lot of people that I've met in WoW have been joining the FF XIV community and a lot love the game, I certainly love it so far!

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