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FFXIV Free to Play Period!


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This is just a reminder to all that Square Enix is allowing returning players a chance to see all the vast changes to the game for free in the period between May 9th and May 20th. Everyone get the word out to all your old RP buddies! Let's try to bring back some of the RPers who may have jumped ship during the rocky launch! At the very least, we can RP with some old friends even if they choose not to stay to take advantage of the Legacy Campaign leading up to 2.0.


This is part of the Welcome Back campaign as viewed here: http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/campaign/campaign.html#welcome

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Thanks for the email blast about this. I'll check it out having a characters name in the credits is a cool concept.


Now I'll have to look over other head lines to see what else is changed. BTW love the new layout here.

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It is actually this and really the Legacy deal that got me to sorta decide to go: "Welp. I have the Crysta still on my account. So why the heck not."


It also seems I picked just the right time to join, as I just got an email in from the guys over at FFXIV about the fact I will be part of the Legacy Campaigners. Woot! So I actually get to also take part in that nice deal of 9.99 dollars.

Kinda makes me wonder if my friend will get a chance as well, or if I somehow snuck in around that right-time window. :|a


Either way, I hope both the F2P period and the Legacy will bring back the people for 2.0, since it sounds like its going to be one heck of an event. Then also being part of Beta back in the day, around for that week before launch..

I kinda feel bad if I also wasn't around for the change in the world.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SE announced on the Lodestone today the cutoff date for obtaining the Legacy status. A player must register their game no later than May 31st (next week) and pay for 90 days beyond the conclusion of the free trial period. So if anyone wants the permanent discounted price (and other goodies), it's now or never. Make sure everyone lets their friends who are on the fence know about this.

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