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A burden to be shared - IC Mentorship

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A long standing goal for Tasa was to pass along her skills to a worthy young fighter. This was something I sought to occur through natural rp and have it evolve naturally. Problem is, Tasa never really encountered anyone that either fit the bill or was willing to study the axe. So finally I decided to reach out towards the rpc and see what happens.


What I'm looking for is someone that would like to engage in some longer term rp where their character is shown the ways and culture of a proper warrior. Or at least an interpretation of it, or course. This would include character building and development, ic training, adventures, and fighting. The way of the warrior is not for the faint of heart, but anyone, regardless of what they are at the start, who has the drive can attempt to take on this savage way of life.


Interested? Pm me in game or leave a response here. I'll be updating this post should I find someone suitable. Looking forward to hearing from ya all~

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Wish you had been around when I was trying to promote this kind of RP! For a little while it worked, I did my best to attend everyone's classes and give tips and encouragement where needed, but sadly when I backed off to see if it'd stay afloat, it quickly died down. I guess it was either an issue of mentors not attending reliably to their classes or/and of students not coming back for the successive sessions. It's a real shame, cause I think the mentor/student and student/student interactions are still the ones that offer the best plots and development (both in RL and in fiction, just look at all the anime based on schools and apprentices, not to mention that big monster Harry Potter was)!

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