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Looking for Ishgardian House

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So I have this alt (level 30ish, slowly working her up to 50 to get her into the expansion zones) that I'm "rerolling" into a new RP character. She will be a relatively young (probably 30ish) wildwood elezen Ishgardian noblewoman. Briefly about her, she wants to fight and has large knightly dreams. She was chasing those dreams too, until one particular skirmish went about as sideways as they can, and left her crippled. After long recovery, she's learning other skills of use (basically magic), and still clinging onto hopes of one day being able to fight again. 


So what am I looking for here!

I'm looking for an existing Ishgardian house that might have space for an extra... relative. I'm a bit picky, so if nothing comes up in a reasonable time that's fine, I'll make my own and list it over here with the other fine player invented houses.

Most of this list is flexible, but this is roughly what I'm looking for:

  • A less-than-really-important house that gained its nobility through being an obscure (not in line for succession, etc) offshoot of one of the high houses, or through basically their own name. Not interested in recent rises through money, nor small very low houses originating from knights promoted for valor.
  • No "known for dragoons". Many knights/soldiers/etc are great and expected, but I prefer to not have the specification of dragoons.
  • House may be of any size; Small, mediocre, or expansive.
  • FC not needed. If the House happens to have an FC, I'll have her join it. If not, no worries.
  • LS preferred. (Really, I feel like they're underutilized!)
  • No ERP centric anything. No erotica. No romance. Other mature/dark themes are probably fine, but they're not my primary interest.
  • Preference for the house to have investitures outside of the war. Such as owning a business, funding a charity, backing the arts, etc. (Political shenanigans count!)
  • Relations, willing to be your: Sister, cousin, daughter, arranged marriage (with a stress on no erp), aunt, third cousin twice removed, niece, half sister, step sister, sister in law, etc! As long as she's legitimate offspring.

You probably want to shoot me a message if you're interested! I'm more than happy to provide more information, etc as well!

Thank you!

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Hello there,


If you have not, you should take a look at this thread and contact the people regarding their House : http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=12719


I would love to help you on this but I fear the time differences will not be in my favor. I hope you will find what you're looking for =)

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Strangely enough, I was thinking about putting my main (Ashe) through some sort of arranged marriage plot--one that he is extremely unhappy about mind you. (thank you for stressing no erp btw, hence why I am suggesting it).

My character's house is not known for their dragoons, but for their weapon's technology and research. They produce one or two dragoons, but since the head of the house is more of a intellectual now that Ashe's father is not the head, they are focused and known for that. 


While they are slightly war related, Ashe is currently (forced) to study aether currents and Allagan-based technology fragments for them. He was adopted back in...(long story, it's on wiki and that page that was linked in one reply).


I don't have an LS specifically for his house because I never really thought to expand it before...I have an LS for my personal contacts for RP though...as well as one for long-distance communication that my FC uses but we have people not in our FC in it. Our FC harbors exiles and heretics...Ashe isn't exactly pro-Ishgard or pro-war efforts in the slightest...

Anyways...if you're interested, contact me.

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I've seen the thread! (I linked it in there actually!)


Time zone wise... I live in -8 (California) but kinna live nocturnally. I usually play with people at +0/1 and +10 (UK/Europe and Australia).


LS would be cool, but not required! 'specially for low-number-of-people houses.

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