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Oh, this again?

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It rolls around to that time of year again where I find myself with little to do during the dreadful UK evenings/daytimes. 


I posted a while ago for connections for my Miqo'te, who has now deceased - and I now have a new character (woo!). Xharoa Malaguld is a little. Well, she's little, for one - and somewhat confusing.


I'm looking for a nice bunch to roleplay with, or even a few people from here and there to advance my character's development (and hopefully yours too). I'm usually on all weekends in GMT time, and evenings during business days - I work shifts, so one week I may be on early, and the other quite late. I've found that being active at these times has made it somewhat hard for me to find a nice group for Xharoa to find her feet in.


What kind of RP do I like? WELL, you have hit the jackpot! I engage in all kinds of RP, here and there. Bring on the light-hearted comedy, but I /really/ do favour the dark, gritty and the strange. Yes. Please. Give me the latter in droves.


Who is Xharoa and why should anyone care? Truth is, you probably shouldn't care. Last I heard, the player behind the character is oddly sadistic and enjoys screwing up her entire characters' lives!

Xharoa is of the Malaguld tribe - or so she has been told. She came to Eorzea after being kidnapped, and has since found herself wandering aimlessly. After having found her family, and being thrust into being 'sociable', she's realised she'd much rather make maps. Lots of them. More information can be found here and here.



I want to roleplay. GMT evenings/weekends. May have the chance of my presence in an FC if I find the right fit.


If you made it down to this, thank you ;A;

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Aye, I'd love to get some more contacts for my auri character,

perhaps we can meet up sometime on a weekend because I'm far too busy during the weekdays much like you. However locating me ingame might be difficult because of my alts so feel free to shoot me a private msg anytime, I check here often. :)

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You're always welcome to shoot me a msg ingame if you want to RP! 


I don't mind dropping whatever PVE thing I'm doing for some RP be it dark & gritty or just light hearted stuff.

Aeron, for sure! I'll give you a poke next time we're on and add it to my to do list!

Aye, I'd love to get some more contacts for my auri character,

perhaps we can meet up sometime on a weekend because I'm far too busy during the weekdays much like you. However locating me ingame might be difficult because of my alts so feel free to shoot me a private msg anytime, I check here often. :)

Yessss, give me all the Au Ra @v@.

I'll be away next weekend, so Sunday evening might be best when I get back. Hopefully RNG will be kind enough to give me loot before I go away ;A; - I'll definitely hit you up though! ^3^

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