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Seeking General Connections

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"General" meaning "Basically anything".


Let me set the scenario for you.


A while back, after a brief break from WoW I logged in to find that my entire set of friends of the guild I was in decided to migrate to FFXIV. This was almost ten people that just gave up WoW. I didn’t join them immediately due to one particularly toxic member of our little clique, I felt like I ‘lost’ them a while back.

But a couple weeks ago, the alpha of our group told me that the toxic person finally fucked off. He continued to sell FFXIV to me as a concept and kept saying how great it was, how robust the RP was, how professional the leadership in this one guild was. It was led by two former members of our WoW group, who dropped it due to a baby being born.



I have about 172 hours played, only 30 minutes of which was spent actually roleplaying. That is an extremely skewed ratio for me. I was promised a brief plotline to get ‘inducted’ into this exclusive guild I was in, but it didn’t happen the night I was off. They claimed they would do it the next day. They didn’t.

I have not heard a word about it since.[


After that, apparently a couple of members PM'd the Glead that I was being rude, snarky, and bringing the whole 'mood' down. I admit I am fairly snarky, especially considering I despised leveling as a dragoon (I rant about the ordeal here.

So a lot of my frustration leaked into my general text and effectively alienated this guild. For the last two weeks the guild has been very silent ingame. A couple of events of which I have been unable to attend because Kiur remained 'plot-locked' for a Trial-By-Combat that nobody could get off the damn ground, and probably didn't want to due to some outdated OOC prejudices. (IE: I'm a lot more calm about the game now, since DRK is actually some level of fun).


I quit the guild this morning and was promptly removed from their active Skype call which leaves me with this revelation:


If I can't find something to keep me here, I'm moving on. Probably back to WoW or GW2.


Kiur is not designed for tavern RP - And I've tried. Not here, specifically. On WoW, I often tried "Walk-up" RP and have Kiur spout her usual crazy-cute nonsense but 90% of the time she'd get ignored. I suspect players thought I was a 'troll' of some variety and was just trying to bullrush or interrupt their interactions. Which is odd, because it's likely you're not having an important, secret conversation or meeting in the middle of the Cathedral Square. But whatever.



Here's a list of things I'd like to have. Not necessarily "need" but if one or two of these things aren't fulfilled soon, I won't be returning to the game after my subscription runs out. (28 days or so).


  • An organization that can handle Kiur's eccentricities. Her necromancy is mostly background noise but if discovered, it would be nice if she wasn't surrounded by "cut her head off" types of knights.
  • A lover. I know this is not a damn dating simulator but it would at least make my online time more interesting. For some obvious reasons, I'll keep details in private messages if there are any interested parties.
  • A mentor. Likely going down the Dark Knight or Dragoon lifestyles, since those are the only two classes I have real access to. DRK is probably more fitting. DRG is less likely, since it seems to require a sort of discipline that Kiur does not have.
  • I'd also be fine with people just to have Kiur talk to. Tavern RP, but more OOCly arranged than having her approach and yell "HEY WANNA HEAR ABOUT SOME SCIENCE".


If I can't get one of these things in the next thirty days, I'm probably gone. I don't mean to make this sound like some kind of ultimatum, I'm just frustrated. Approaching 200 hours of gametime and barely a fraction of that has been spent roleplaying. I've even wandered around the Forgotten Knight in Ishgard only to see very little happening.

I'm just frustrated, is all.

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Come at me bro..... Erik's got what you need.


Seriously my FC currently has 5 plots going and one overarching plot, and you don't have to be a member to get involved. Three of our plots have an Ishgard twist. Also we are good for ooc laughs. Come over and say hi bro. We can scratch that rp itch.

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"General" meaning "Basically anything".


Let me set the scenario for you.


A while back, after a brief break from WoW I logged in to find that my entire set of friends of the guild I was in decided to migrate to FFXIV. This was almost ten people that just gave up WoW. I didn’t join them immediately due to one particularly toxic member of our little clique, I felt like I ‘lost’ them a while back.

But a couple weeks ago, the alpha of our group told me that the toxic person finally fucked off. He continued to sell FFXIV to me as a concept and kept saying how great it was, how robust the RP was, how professional the leadership in this one guild was. It was led by two former members of our WoW group, who dropped it due to a baby being born.



I have about 172 hours played, only 30 minutes of which was spent actually roleplaying. That is an extremely skewed ratio for me. I was promised a brief plotline to get ‘inducted’ into this exclusive guild I was in, but it didn’t happen the night I was off. They claimed they would do it the next day. They didn’t.

I have not heard a word about it since.[


After that, apparently a couple of members PM'd the Glead that I was being rude, snarky, and bringing the whole 'mood' down. I admit I am fairly snarky, especially considering I despised leveling as a dragoon (I rant about the ordeal here]http://zydrateacademy.tumblr.com/post/124836054244/current-activities-in-gaming-139]here.

So a lot of my frustration leaked into my general text and effectively alienated this guild. For the last two weeks the guild has been very silent ingame. A couple of events of which I have been unable to attend because Kiur remained 'plot-locked' for a Trial-By-Combat that nobody could get off the damn ground, and probably didn't want to due to some outdated OOC prejudices. (IE: I'm a lot more calm about the game now, since DRK is actually some level of fun).


I quit the guild this morning and was promptly removed from their active Skype call which leaves me with this revelation:


If I can't find something to keep me here, I'm moving on. Probably back to WoW or GW2.


Kiur is not designed for tavern RP - And I've tried. Not here, specifically. On WoW, I often tried "Walk-up" RP and have Kiur spout her usual crazy-cute nonsense but 90% of the time she'd get ignored. I suspect players thought I was a 'troll' of some variety and was just trying to bullrush or interrupt their interactions. Which is odd, because it's likely you're not having an important, secret conversation or meeting in the middle of the Cathedral Square. But whatever.



Here's a list of things I'd like to have. Not necessarily "need" but if one or two of these things aren't fulfilled soon, I won't be returning to the game after my subscription runs out. (28 days or so).


  • An organization that can handle Kiur's eccentricities. Her necromancy is mostly background noise but if discovered, it would be nice if she wasn't surrounded by "cut her head off" types of knights.
  • A lover. I know this is not a damn dating simulator but it would at least make my online time more interesting. For some obvious reasons, I'll keep details in private messages if there are any interested parties.
  • A mentor. Likely going down the Dark Knight or Dragoon lifestyles, since those are the only two classes I have real access to. DRK is probably more fitting. DRG is less likely, since it seems to require a sort of discipline that Kiur does not have.
  • I'd also be fine with people just to have Kiur talk to. Tavern RP, but more OOCly arranged than having her approach and yell "HEY WANNA HEAR ABOUT SOME SCIENCE".


If I can't get one of these things in the next thirty days, I'm probably gone. I don't mean to make this sound like some kind of ultimatum, I'm just frustrated. Approaching 200 hours of gametime and barely a fraction of that has been spent roleplaying. I've even wandered around the Forgotten Knight in Ishgard only to see very little happening.

I'm just frustrated, is all.

If you need a Mentor War has already got some Obi Wan Kenobi experience going for her. As for FC weeeeeeeeell I might know one, but I'd rather introduce you to them all and see if you feel like you fit and talk to the leader. :)

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As for FC weeeeeeeeell I might know one, but I'd rather introduce you to them all and see if you feel like you fit and talk to the leader. :)

That's ideal. Better idea to have an initial interaction with Kiur as a sort of litmus test of "Can we handle this person".

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What's your guild's theme, though? The site in your sig seems a fair bit bare-boned.


You got me.. it is at that. :lol: The info is sparse on the face. You have to dig through the forums a bit as we all settled in there.


We are a unit of the Immortal Flames, military rp, but each member has autonomy to add to the stories and plots so we have some non-military fare too. Mostly outside of combat we do research on various things, most currently we have survey teams in the Chocobo Forest doing official mapping under the nose of the Holy See. Another member is exploring her Darkness out there. While another has dealings involving a family mystery in the Pillars.


And we add and change often. 25+ active members all working together for general events but also each going their own way to explore their own stories. Bound to be someone of your liking to hang with. And stressing it again, non-members are welcome to dive in with us.

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