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Looking for general connections!

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Hey everyone! Unlike my introductory post I'd like to put a bit of information here that may be conducive to including myself into some RP. I'd like to post a small list of things that come to mind that may help with this.


1: Your character in the past six years had visited the bloodsands or other arenas. You may have seen Mhaya fighting against monsters or whatnot. She did not always win, but she always gave her all in every fight.


2: Your character may have hired help in the past to, say, guard a caravan, kill a swarm of rapidly breeding Doblyns or something. Mhaya could have been the individual that assisted in their removal!


3: Mhaya dabbles in making her own alcoholic beverages. It is not a very well known name or brand, and she doesn't have the time to sell more than a small amount of it. It's known as 'The Drunken Coeurl', and the bottles have an etching of a cartoony, drunken coeurl head.



I have a great preference to story-driven RP, and while my posts may not always be super detailed, I do my best to make things as interesting-sounding as possible. Feel free to shoot me a tell if you'd like to RP sometime. I'll almost always get back to you (Unless I'm AFK or something and fall asleep, then you can send me a message on here!)


I'm sure I can think of a whole lot more here in terms of little improv reasonings to approach or be approached! I will edit this as time goes on to include them.

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Hey there! I have a few characters that could fit what you're looking for!

Val Nunh (my main) is an ex merc, so it's very possible that they've ran into one another on occasion. I have a relatively dastardly character, Melfice Vainchelon, that could have hired her to do somewhat unsavory (without her much knowing if she normally wouldn't have done it in the first place). 


I also have a man that lives the high life and is RPed as a Turk, Vincent Laurentius, that could offer to help sell her beverages at the Saucer or do some other underhanded things if she feels so inclined, depending on how the character is!


Barring that, I have a knight-in-training and another mercenary that mostly keeps to himself that I'd be willing to offer. Just throw me a message in game or on the RPC and let me know!

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