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Seeking new friends!

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Hey everybody!


So, I've come to the point where I'm looking for some new RP partners, and figured I may as well put some feelers out on the good ol' RPC.


For those who don't know, Rin is a blind huntress of sorts, who is often out gathering herbs and other plants for herself and the Archers' Guild. You can check her wiki page in my sig if you want to know more about her, as always.


Anyways, I'm looking for all kinds of peoples. As some background for her if you wish to insert yourself somehow, Rin was born in Ul'dah, though she spent most of her life growing up in Doma. After that she moved back to Ul'dah with her family and currently resides in her mother's old house in the Goblet.


It's fully possible for her to have met people in Doma, if you're so inclined, or even around in Ul'dah or Gridania. And, while she doesn't travel to Limsa often, she is around there occasionally.


She's also looking for a partner of sorts who can keep her company at most times to help her if she needs it. Though she is perfectly capable on her own, due to some recent events, she's now looking for company in the form of a live-in maid or some such.


If you're interested, respond here, pm me, or find me in game! I'm on often enough!

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If you need contact from Gridania, here would be one. More info about characters on bottom ;)

 Our free company could offer RP-wise "live-in" work if interested, but be warned: people dont use house everyday but people have been hosting small gatherings there. Our fc is rp-wisely something where ppl get themselves work and uses house to relax/gather up/social meetings or when they need to contact someone.

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She's actually looking for someone to work for her as a live-in, since she owns her own house. 

That said, I'll try to catch up with you in game at some point.

I have a new character I just made that could work for this.

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She's actually looking for someone to work for her as a live-in, since she owns her own house. 

That said, I'll try to catch up with you in game at some point.

I have a new character I just made that could work for this.


I am getting in touch with you! :D

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Khuma may be of interest to you. He's a Miqo'te living in an inn room in the Sands in Ul'dah at the moment (previously homeless and soon to be again when his borrowed gil runs out). Problem with him is simple, though: He's a bit schizo, believes his lance is sentient and tends to distrust people. But, these are fits that come and go. 


Sometimes he's pretty much normal if you ignore the talking to the lance thing. He does various 'magic' tricks with cards and such to earn what he can, but often goes days at a time without eating.


He's definitely not 'normal', but I think he'd be okay around a blind herb gathering woman. Not sure if this is the sort of character you had in mind ^_^

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Khuma may be of interest to you. He's a Miqo'te living in an inn room in the Sands in Ul'dah at the moment (previously homeless and soon to be again when his borrowed gil runs out). Problem with him is simple, though: He's a bit schizo, believes his lance is sentient and tends to distrust people. But, these are fits that come and go. 


Sometimes he's pretty much normal if you ignore the talking to the lance thing. He does various 'magic' tricks with cards and such to earn what he can, but often goes days at a time without eating.


He's definitely not 'normal', but I think he'd be okay around a blind herb gathering woman. Not sure if this is the sort of character you had in mind ^_^

Hey, can't hurt to make another friend. And Khuma sounds like fun.

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Khuma may be of interest to you. He's a Miqo'te living in an inn room in the Sands in Ul'dah at the moment (previously homeless and soon to be again when his borrowed gil runs out). Problem with him is simple, though: He's a bit schizo, believes his lance is sentient and tends to distrust people. But, these are fits that come and go. 


Sometimes he's pretty much normal if you ignore the talking to the lance thing. He does various 'magic' tricks with cards and such to earn what he can, but often goes days at a time without eating.


He's definitely not 'normal', but I think he'd be okay around a blind herb gathering woman. Not sure if this is the sort of character you had in mind ^_^

Hey, can't hurt to make another friend. And Khuma sounds like fun.


Great xD And yes, he's definitely what I'd call fun. I haven't had an RP session with him yet where I haven't broken up into laughter at some point xD


I just hopped off him for the night (Vale is my main), but I'll be on him again tomorrow. Just hit me up in-game when you want to RP ^_^

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