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[Balmung] Looking for EU RP FC/Groups

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Hi there,


I'm going to be transferring from Gilgamesh to Balmung tonight in preparation for the weekend, whilst I love Gilgamesh and the people on it, the general RP there is based heavily around US times (sometimes 2am or 3am starts until 6-7am finishes) and that's just not viable for me, as I usually go to sleep around 2am.


So I'm making the push to Balmung with a friend of mine from Gilgamesh who will also be making the jump, however I'm looking for EU players for RP, or a US group of people who RP earlier rather than later (by early I mean maybe 10pm UK time). It doesn't necessarily have to be an FC, but I would like to get to know RPers who RP between 1pm and 2am UK time on Balmung.


If anyone does read this and would like to RP, or can suggest where to go, I'd be really appreciative.


My characters name is Ive Twoho, a level 31 White Mage who is a Miqo'te. I RP her as combat inept, but heavily skilled in both physical and aetheric magic (although not to the levels of Selphie for example). She's a somewhat shy, quiet speaking soul who's very out going and likes to avoid conflict whenever there is a better way... that being said, she understands sometimes conflict is needed and will help in whichever way she can.


I myself have been roleplaying for the past 15 years, both in table top RPGs and online games. And whilst I'm still in the process of learning the lore of the FF14 universe, I'd like to think I have a decent understanding of it. I'm a more mature roleplayer, and whilst I enjoy light-hearted roleplay (for example PG-13 RP), I also do like more mature themed roleplay as well (18+, so I have no problem with gorey or psychological RP).


If anyone would like to RP or knows an FC or group that fit the above that RP at reasonable EU times, I'd love to hear from you. Please, please, please get in touch.


Ive. <3

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Hey there, welcome to Balmung! I'd suggest checking out the European Directory firstly for EU-friendly events, linkshells and FCs. There's also some events that are aimed more at NA players but not at too late an hour for us, if you keep an eye on the calendar. Lastly, my FC is always at the Missing Member in Limsa at 7 or 8 pm UK on Mondays for casual tavern RP. Hope that helps! :D

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Hope to be seeing you around! I'm a EU player myself and I face the same problem. After my holidays are over I simply won't be able to attend anything that begins so late except maybe if its on a Friday or Saturday.


I can't really help with finding an EU friendly FC that actively does serious roleplay as I am still searching for one myself!


You can always poke me for roleplay though! I am also trying to learn FF lore until I am able to be a decent DM myself and create my own roleplay events.

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I'm a EU player as well (UTC+2). I will be glad to meet you in-game, do not hesitate to add me as a friend : ) 


I've been doing table RPG as well and I've mastered mature games (cthulhu, don't rest ur head, little fears, etc), and I'm also looking for connections as a newly transfered player ^^

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