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Pathfinders «d20»


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[align=center]Across the noticeboards of the various city states, one could find a neatly written flyer with bold writing meant to catch the eye. Fresh papers had replaced the time worn copies, showing that the company's efforts to bolster their ranks has yet to wane. [/align]



[align=center]Recruitment is open![/align]




The Pathfinders Free Company is looking for new recruits and connections! We are accepting members of any kind, whether you be an axe-wielding whirlwind or a needle-wielding fashionista. So if you desire to make Eorzea a better place with a sword in your hand, or  by finding the latest breakthrough in aether research, or even just supporting those doing so then the Pathfinders are looking for you.



[align=center]What do we do?[/align]


The Pathfinders is a Mercenary Company and Aetherical Research Center that strives to make every day life better for the average Eorzean. We specialize in escort and guard missions and only accept jobs from reputable sources. In addition our Aetherical Research Center works hard at identifying any relics that should be found in the course of any of our missions as well is discovering new ways to do things, often resulting in cutting edge technology being created right in our estate.



[align=center]Where do I fit into that?[/align]


Many of our missions relate to defending Eorzea from the hazards it holds; any able bodied fighters should be ready to use those skills they hone. As for those who specialize in magicks that may not be suited for combat, or even if they are, then our Aetherical Research Center located on the top floor of the estate would be just for you. Should you be the sort that uses a hammer to craft instead of to fight, rest assured that your skills will be put to use as well; not only do our own members require your services from time to time but we also take the occasional order should we know we have capable hands. Should you be not fighter nor crafter, do not be dissuaded from applying. In our efforts to accept those from any walk of life, we would assign a job to you which we find fitting, whether it be serving as an ambassador or as an employee to our tavern "Neverfar's."



[align=center]How will I benefit?[/align]


On top of being payed for your duties, company members have full access to our barracks and dine free in our tavern. Should you be going through hard times and need a place to regain your footing, our company could very easily be the place to do that. You will also have access to our training grounds, archives, and chocobo stables.



[align=center]Where can I apply?[/align]


You can seek out our house in the 12th Ward subdivision of the Mists, plot 44, and ask for a recruitment officer's assistance. Should none be available at the time, the available members will answer any questions you may have.

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  • 1 month later...

Pathfinders is continuing to grow and would love if you'd join to have that trend continue! As described in the OOC section of the post, we now have two monthly RP events to help our community bond. We've also started our first FC plot with one of those two events as a medium. Lots of fun to be had!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

At 116 enrolled members, Pathfinders has seen a good deal of growth over these past few months! As a result of our growing numbers and presence on the server bringing more in, we've decided to reevaluate or application process. Until this and a few other tweaks have been decided, recruitment for the Pathfinders will be closed! This will be by no means permanent and may very likely last only a few days. I'll return with more information once the decisions have been made! Players are still welcome and invited to stop by our FC house for a drink in the tavern or other fun RP shenanigans!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Recruitment has been reopened! A few things were adjusted, the biggest being our application process, as mentioned. We will no longer be doing applications in game and will instead be using our new IC application on our website. Should you have any issues or concerns with the process or any other questions, please contact an officer. We have a nice set of events happening in the coming weeks, so be sure to apply soon!

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  • 1 month later...

Being satisfied with our current numbers and roster, applications for Pathfinders are now closed. Neverfar's will always be open for visitor regardless so we are still more than welcome to entertain guests! Even if you aren't a member, don't be a stranger!

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  • 1 month later...

Recruitment has been reopened! Please refer to our IC application if you have interest! Ask any officer for additional details.


Additionally, a tab has been added that speaks about some past events the company has seen. If you're interested in the sorts of adventures we've had (or are having), look there! More to be added soon! Pictures too!

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  • 2 months later...

Pathfinders recruitment is open and waiting for new faces to join in on the excitement! Our newly decorated tavern supplies a cozy and warm atmosphere for more slice of life RP while a number of new rooms such as our dojo supply a variety of environments for any strain of RP! 


Our FC arc is also in full swing, the Pathfinders having just dealt a critical blow to their foe, the free company Eorzea Unexplored. Wanting to strike once more before they can recover, the company looks to add any able bodied fighters it can to their ranks to aid in the task. With skilled DMs and our own custom battle system, the next big clash is sure to be an epic tale for your character to tell (with maybe some scars to show for it too). More info on the arc in the events tab!


Now is as good a time to join as ever! Apply on our site if we've caught interest or stop by the tavern if you need more convincing! As always, our officers would be happy to answer any questions!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Our website has received a fresh coat of paint and recruitment is still open!


Our Company Lore section sizes us up very well! Go ahead and give it a look and if we catch your interest drop by our IC Application on the website!


On the Horizon are several social events to better introduce newer members before we launch into our next FC Arc! :geek:



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  • 1 month later...

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