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The Dragoon steps in!


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Hallo role-players,


I am playing Final Fantasy XIV for a while now, but there is a void in my heart that just won't go away. Since I am from Germany the recommended server for me was Zodiark. But there aren't many role-players here. In my desperate try to find some RP'ers I found this site and instantly registered. Now I hope to find some people like me that are a little alone on Zodiark^^.


MMORPG background

RP experience

I've been role-playing since 4 years. I started back that with the german RP "The Dark Eye". But since then I've played other RP's like Shadowrun, Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader and Degenesis. Also I played some RP at World of Warcraft.


Character ideas/info

My Charakter is an Au Ra Dragoon. I still have to think about a fitting story though.


How did you learn about the coalition?

Like I said, I just googled "RP FFXIV" and immediatly found it^^ I'm glad.


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I prefer to be a heavy role-player^^ I really enjoy the thought of playing as my hero in Final Fantasy.

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Welcome to the RPC!  Most of us are on either Balmung or Giligamesh, but there are others ocattered about.  I would note your server in your thread title since that is really the most relevant thing in your search!


Good luck! ^^

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