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So, hello everyone. You can all call me Glacirus or Glacir, I'm a long-time Roleplayer who has been enjoying FFXIV on PS4 for the last few months. Loved every bit of the game as I played through 2.0-2.55 and started Heavensward, before leveling AST and MCH distracted me again. However, the more I played, the more I missed, for one, being able to communicate easily, and by extension participating in RP and building a story to go with my character.


Which brings me to the here and now! After splurging a bit on a PC version and doing a few cursory google searches, I found my way here. Hopefully this is the start of a long, enjoyable RP experience! But before I close out this intro, here's just some info:


  • Roleplayer for over a decade, having done text-only Forum RP for a number of years before moving on to in-game in various MMOs
  • MMO experience include Ragnarok, City of Heroes/Villains, WoW, TERA, Arche Age, and a few more that I didn't play too long
  • Main character is currently on Diabolos (probably gonna change that), named Glacir Clayworth.
  • Started as an Arcanist. Focused on Scholar over Summoner. Now loving Astrologian

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