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In-Game Book titles available for these subjects?


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Before I start making up more book titles like i am doing for some trashy romance novels...


Any titles in the game specific to these subjects?


1. Aether control, theory and exercises. Anything and everything on the subject. Nothing advanced, please.

2. Staves and other mediums, preferably a study on attunements.

3. Fire


Relate these subjects to Thaumaturgy as well?

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No exact titles for books matching those descriptions. Sorry! The closest thing would be Essences and Permutations - A Treatise of the Six Elements, which was originally found in 1.0's CNJ Guild library, back when Conjurers controlled all six elements. It was again referenced in the 2.0 quest The Greatest Story Never Told, and now rests in 3.0's Gubal Library.



Below I've spoilered other canon Eorzean literature:

Just for your reference, here is a list of some of the publications that have appeared either in-game or on the official (1.0) website.




Original Publication: The Determination of Being

Author: Guillaurmand de Padellaint


Quote: Every soul must needs have a code, a purpose, to guide them. Else chaos would consume us all.




Original Publication: Leading the Van

Author: Owyne Cosserand, master tactician


Quote: The advancement of a nation may be guaged by its ability to craft weapons, but its future depends on its ability to craft wars.




Original Publication: Travel Logs of a Lalafell

Author: Jajariku Nanariku


Quote: Never did we expect to encounter such a diverse and so wealthy a people! And so very tall!




Original Publication: Treatise on the Principles of Self-Actualization

Author: Rhylsygg Bhirlonsyn


Quote: To discern the true nature of man, one need look no further than the palm of his hand.




Original Publication: Raimdelle Codex

Author: Frandelont Raimdelle


Quote: Know thy quarry, know thyself.


This compendium contains a priceless wealth of knowledge on the many plants and animals native to the Eorzean landmass, and although penned centuries ago, is still used across the realm by scholars and hunters alike.




Publication: Necrologos

Author: Unknown


A forbidden tome known to contain wards which bind arcane demons within its pages.


Chapters Discovered (as of 1.x):


Lords of Skyey Realms

Elemental Thralldom

Lightsome Verdure

The Abased

The Boughs Above


The Light's Corrivals

Amongst Leaves Most Green


All Things Must Die

Ranine Reveries

Torn Asunder

Adamantine Wills

In Shadow Bemantled

Celeritous Impetus

Thousandfold Agony

The Fallen

Rockbound Mists

The Ever-reaching Claw

The Moons' Mistress




Publication: The Enchiridion


The holiest of Ishgardian scripture, this tome outlines the teachings of Halone.




Publication: The Five Ages─An Eorzean Chronology

Author: Lewphon of Sharlayan, master theologian and astrologist


Penned in the Year 233 of the Sixth Astral Era to weave together the disparate histories of the nations of Eorzea with a common thread─the thread of time.




Publication: Essences & Permutations─A Treatise of the Six Elements

Author: Unknown


Comprised of four chapters dealing with the elements and creation.


Essences and Permutations

-Unknown Author


The Five Ages An Eorzean Chronology

-Lewphon of Sharlayan, Year 233 6AE


The Five Ages

Impress your friends with these beautiful leather-bound replicas of Lewphon of Sharlayan's crowning achievement in the field of history, theology, and astrology. Just do not allow those friends to open any of the volumes, as they are all blank.


On Garlean Hierarchy

-Unknown Author


Volumes 1 & 2 can be found in the Gubal Library. Discusses Garlean titles and what profession they represent.


Leather-bound Diary

-Author Unknown


A first hand account of the fall of the once-Noble House Dartancours.


O'er Westward Seas

-Gilbert Goldenlocks, 1556 6AE


The travel logs and journals of the explorer Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn and her League of Lost Bastards as they sailed west to discover the New World.


Over the Horizon

-Unknown Author


A tome further discussing Merlwyb's journey to the New World and Limsa Lominsa's establishment of trade routes to the continent.


Is there a mythology about the Twelve that isn’t mentioned in-game? (ex. Holy books, manuscripts, rituals, etc.)


Answer: Yes, a great deal of mythology exists. Unfortunately, a lot remains unreleased. The storyline in 2.0 should reveal much more about the Twelve, but until then, I leave you with this Fun Fact: perhaps you have noticed, but in several of the dungeons in La Noscea you will find locations on your maps with names like "Llymlaen's Folly" or "Llymlaen's Trial." These are, in fact, sacred sites for the followers of the Navigator--each representing one of the 12 chapters in the tale of Llymlaen's Ascent. As part of their worship, followers risk their lives to perform yearly pilgrimages, visiting all twelve sites in the order they appear in the tale.


The chapters (in order) are as follows:


Llymlaen's Folly

Llymlaen's Flight

Llymlaen's Tempest

Llymlaen's Clarity

Llymlaen's Resolve

Llymlaen's Bearing

Llymlaen's Trial

Llymlaen's Encounter

Llymlaen's Stand

Llymlaen's Triumph

Llymlaen's Oath

Llymlaen's Ascent


Encyclopedia Eorzea

Impress your friends with these beautiful leather-bound replicas of naturalist Marcette Manne's comprehensive collection of knowledge. Just do not allow those friends to open any of the volumes, as they are all blank.


Riviera Bookshelf

A sophisticated wooden bookshelf designed in the riviera fashion. Comes complete with a selection of seafarers' journals and recipe books.


Glade Bookshelf

A natural wooden bookshelf designed in the glade fashion. Comes complete with a selection of spiritual works to help the reader achieve inner harmony.


Oasis Bookshelf

A sophisticated wooden bookshelf designed in the oasis fashion. Comes complete with a selection of treatises on accumulating wealth in both lives.


Ahriman Bookshelf

A wide-eyed and winged bookshelf designed in an ahriman motif. Comes complete with a compendium of knowledge from distant shrines.


Sylphic Bookshelf

A quaint bookshelf inspired by sylphic colors and curves. Comes complete with a selection of treatises on weaving, dancing, and mischief-making.


Manor Bookshelf

A haunting bookshelf custom-made for Haukke Manor. Comes complete with a selection of occult reading.


Oh dear' date=' I've forgotten my manners. My name is Marcette, and I am a naturalist under the employ of [i']Eorzean Geographic[/i], a publication which surveys the realm's wildlife.




Hope that helps! Lemme know if you'd like quotes from some of the publications listed above, I've got O'er Westward Seas, Over the Horizon, On Garlean Hierarchy, and Leather-bound Journal text in my screenshots.

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Original Publication: On the Properties of Aspect Conversion

Author: Professor Lamberteint


Quote: A four-volume compilation of Professor Lamberteint's theories on the process of manually altering an object's elemental aspect.


and there's a handful of relevant titles referred to in one of the Postmoogle quests. they all pertain to thaumaturgy, though there's no flavor text or anything to accompany them, unfortunately.


their titles are: The Cry from the Depths, Thaumaturgy: The Yawning Abyss, The Lesser Key of Thal, and The Troth of Kings.


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Thank you both!


Is the Professor the one you use in the main story quests/moogle quests? The one with the four students in Camp Drybone?


yes, the Professor does show up in the MSQ + postmoogle quests! 


he's the one who sends you on the wild goose chase to gather corrupted crystals to power the Enterprise's aether converter so you can enter the Howling Eye and confront Garuda.


in the postmoogle quests, he and his students have a misunderstanding at the bar in Camp Drybone. (I believe there are only three students, however - one in Old Gridania, another in Aleport and the last is near Highbridge.)

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