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Hello hello~!


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Because I'm extremely horrible with introductions, I'm just gonna go along with the template. owo"


--MMORPG background

Runescape and Mabinogi


--RP experience

LOOOONG ago, around 8-9 years ago, I was once a forum RP person participating in the various roleplay threads people used to post every now and then.

When I finally found my own little group of friends, we've split off and started our own little RP story..this lasted for about 5-6 years..

Eventually, MMORPGs came into my life and I had started RPing with the characters I've made.

And now, having discovered the wonderful world of FFXIV only about a month ago, I've decided to give it a shot here...Managed to find an FC as well! So that's a start, I guess.


--Character ideas/info

At the moment, I'm roleplaying a Miqo'te Culinarian..though being new to the world of FFXIV and sorta unfamiliar with the lore, I'm still working on her.

However, I'm looking into molding the story of my past RP character with my group of friends into the character I'm playing on FFXIV...I'm just hoping it turns out alright.


--How did you learn about the coalition?

I used to be on Mateus server, but having heard of an extremely lively RP community on Balmung, I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to transfer servers...and after using the power of google to look for RP groups on Balmung, this site came up!


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I'm thinking medium, possibly.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I like doing artsy stuff...well, attempting to do artsy stuff. My profile pic is an example, I guess.

I also like talking to people!!...or trying to talk to people at least, I'm a bit shy.

I also have a habit of making faces in chat...mostly 'owo'

That's all I suppose! . n .

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