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NSFW - Gerik's Sketchbook - Commissions Available!

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#omg, #youweren'tkidding, #YOLO, #dafuqisthis, #ilikeit


It's cute. BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CLOTHES! ROFL. You're the worst fiance ever. But I still :love: you. Is the beach party just a trap to get them inside the dungeon?


LOL, maybe, after all, who doesn't want a Labiaxe or a Vaginabow.

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I'm glad to see Gerik is back to drawing!



Wait... did Kylin imply naked Seo was passive aggressive?   I'm confused.



Shhh...You didn't see anything. These are not the droids you're looking for. *uses the force*

Although that would explain Seo is so unlucky in love, when the clothes come off things are about to get passive aggres... These aren't the droids we're looking for.

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Although that would explain Seo is so unlucky in love, when the clothes come off things are about to get passive aggres... These aren't the droids we're looking for.


She is unlucky in love though!  Engaged to a gay man!


And I didn't intend for it to be passive aggressive >_> More of a commentary, since you know, art is supposed to be a commentary. But it's understandable :)


The image in question is here: gerikffxiv.tumblr.com NSFW tumblr.

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