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[align=center]Gil. Glory. Friendship. Intangible Benefits. And so much more. All of this is mere ilms away from your capable fingertips! Eorzea's leading private Security firm seeks industrious, results-driven adventurers for exciting employment opportunities! As a valuable employee of The Ebonbrand, you will have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to test experimental Magitek equipment against bandits, monsters and evil-doers! Embark on harrowing adventures, and reap industry-leading compensation for your efforts! Apply today!  Ebonbrand's field office is located at the Mists, Ward 7, Plot 31 in a medium house![/align]



[align=center]Thank you for reviewing our post and showing interest in our free company, Ebonbrand.  We're a diverse collection of zany, fun-loving medium/hardcore RP'ers looking for more friends to join our adventures!  We value interesting plot-lines, magitek teknology, frivolity, and adventure.  Please visit our website here to apply, or send any of the people below a tell or letter voicing your interest![/align]


[align=center]All the information you could ever want on the Ebonbrand will be in the following tabs! Should you have any questions, please contact Septimus NervaSigurd Sundsteigen or Odette Saoirse![/align]

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Sigurd glanced over Ebonbrand's standard job posting form, observing how it had been haphazardly tacked to a message board near the Quicksand's rear entrance by one of his business partner's "employees." Sigurd's icy pupils studied the form carefully, noting several typographical errors and formatting problems. 


"...Gods, Varus -- the amount of formatting problems and scrivener's errors... It is /so/ hard to find good help these days." Sigurd would mumble to himself, biting his tongue as he suffered the center-justified text splattered over the form.


Sigurd folded his arms about his chest in silent disapproval and voiced further objections: "...I supply the content and draft the disclaimer, and that dense-headed Garle-- ugh, humble son of a Mor Dhonan miner -- can't even get the damn formatting right.  Hopeless! Whatever happened to delegation, Varus? Gods, where is our administrative staff?!"


A heavily scarred left hand reached for the flask slung about his hip, raising it to his lips for a sharp swig, which staunched the criticism. Adult beverages had a way of excusing inadvertent errors.


((Best.  RP.  Buddies.  Evar.  <3.))

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  • 3 weeks later...

September 2015 Update:


OOC: ...The Ebonbrand Teknoworks has no affiliation with the Garlean Empire, seriously!  Well, not YET.  Our FC is slowly drifting towards plot arcs that may align it with Garlemald interests.  We've worked through some delicious IC drama recently and cemented our little family of fascinating characters!  If you have a character who would like to join the fold, please let Nero Varus or Skylar Brooks know in game!

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  • 4 weeks later...

October 2015 Update:


After RL vacations and a flurry of work-related obligations, Ebonbrand Teknoworks resumed RP operations in late October 2015.  We now own real property (a gorgeously decorated small FC house) located in Lavender Beds and are diving back into RP head-first. 


If you're like to join our merry band of engineers, adventurers, monster hunters, and [[TOP SECERET -- covert Garlean loyalists/sympathizers (...and the poor saps who follow out of friendship or obligation *cough cough*)]], please feel free to PM me, or message Nero Varus, Skylar Brooks, or Sigurd Sundsteigen in-game!

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  • 3 weeks later...

what. WHAT. 

W H A T?






Now I'm a nerd with a bunch of nerds claiming I'm their glorious leader.


Thank you for your interest, everyone. I love you. ;~;

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  • 4 weeks later...

December 18, 2015 at work pre-Christmas update:


Pirates.  Courtesans.  Garleans. Babies.  Voidsents.  Internal maimings, oh my!  It's been a busy November and December in Ebonbrand, and we have several plot arcs underway.  Glorious leader Septimus Rem Nero Varus Nerva has been busy plotting.  We're looking forward to some great RP in the new year!  Although we've slowed recruiting for the time being, we're always happy to discuss finding interested RP'ers a place in our lovely little family. 


As an aside, property value in the Ebonbrand neighborhood was greatly impacted when the fine ladies and gentlemen of purchased the plot next door and began putting it to commercial uses.  We have the best neighbors ever, :*).

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  • 1 month later...

January 27, 2016 Update:


Ebonbrand has opened up recruitment once more, and we're actively searching for more people to join us on adventures of espionage, deceit and danger! 


Please send a tell or message to either Odette Saoirse, Narantu Dazkar or Septimus Nerva, and we'll get back to you ASAP!

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February 4th, 2016 Update:


[align=center]Hello, and welcome to Ebonbrand.




Now located in the seventh ward of the Mists with a medium-sized HQ, Ebonbrand are on the hunt for mercenaries and medics to shape Eorzea into a better, brighter tomorrow. Weekly missions encourage us to stay on our toes and keeps the blood pumping... sometimes out of our bodies. These missions aren't at all suspicious, or morally gray, despite how dangerous they can be. Weekly meetings are far less entertaining, but mandatory if you don't want to end up impaled on some mook's lance. I should probably find a way to spice those up...






Recently, the Teknoworks Headquarters has undergone a bit of a transformation. An 'upgrade' if you will. After a long mission, what better way to kick back and relax than throwing down a few gil and knocking back several drinks with your fellow mercenaries? Ebonbrand are now the proud owners of their own Gambler's Loft. The Loft is open to all members, with special events for the wider public to come. Please look forward to it!™




This is the door to the Boss's office where you go to sign your paperwork and become a member of Ebonbrand after being wowed by such an amazing recruitment campaign. Tell our emotionally-stunted fearless Leader Septimus Nerva that Odette sent you... it gets me paid [seriously], just like this endorsement that may or may not have been pre-written.




You won't have to put up with shit like this... [... probably ...That's a lie].


Additionally, as part of our current recruitment drive... we're throwing things away. That's right, five lucky Eorzean's will be on the receiving end of Ebonbrand generosity! Here, take a flyer, pop your name down on a piece of paper and toss it in the labelled box in the foyer!




Ebonbrand Teknoworks; Machinations and Security for a New Era!


Apply today![/align]

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  • 3 weeks later...

[align=center]A tumbleweed bounces through the desert, kicking up trailing amounts of

sand in it's lazy roll through golden sands.




The camera pans slowly over boots crunching in the dirt, leaving in their wake a

mottled array of footprints that vary in size and depth.




Buckles are tightened, laces threaded, bullets loaded, pages flipped...




Night falls and the desert is silent save for the whispered gust of wind over the dunes.




As the camera crawls over the nearest dune, an encampment is seen scattered with

tents and the dampened smoke of a recently extinguished fire. Under the cover of night

humanoid silhouettes approach with blades drawn...




Ice snakes its way through the flaxen particles of sand toward the tent and the screen

fades to black. Gunshots. "Do it! FIRE!" shouts a man's voice, a loud horn

overlapping the din to echo throughout.




A flurry of images; blood splattering the sand, smoke from the barrel of a gun, a

miqo'te holding his head at the ears in pain, spells flung through the air, an elezen

lifting an ornate card, a midlander's leg severed at the knee...




One man with speed and strength never before seen.

One militant team of operatives under the leadership of a one-eyed foreigner.

One largely constructed sonic weapon dragged into the desert.


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  • 2 weeks later...

[align=center][ Operation Redwall ]

2nd March Update, 2016[/align]


After Ebonbrand received a tip off pertaining the trafficking of child slaves in the waters between Eorzea and the Doman Republic, the magitek militia gathered what information they could and set out deep into the shroud; a contact point for the exchange and the greasing of palms. With an encampment located, intel detailing uniform and mannerisms, Ebonbrand infiltrated under the directive hand of 'Slaver' Odette, and the assisting 'Slaver' Shilgen with several company members (Wawajo, X'aruela, Tahlani, Shark) providing themselves as slaves. Once past several checkpoints, children located and they themselves within the inner sanctum, the 'mercenaries' attacked with blade and poison both. Wiping out the camp's inhabitants, they found no sign of the group's captain whom was yet to return from business elsewhere. Moving swiftly, the children were gathered, soothed and emancipated from captivity, collectively being delivered to an orphanage in the mist. All save one, a young garlean boy with feral tendencies whom was revealed to be the son of their glorious leader, Septimus Nerva, taken back to Ebonbrand Headquarters.


This would not be the end, however. Naught but a week later, Ebonbrand sources revealed that this slaver captain, a pirate going by the name 'Redwall' had reared his head in an abandoned cathedral within the frozen slums of Brume, Ishgard. After a rocky planning session during the weekly meeting, Ebonbrand forces once more came together for a far more sensitive operation; given the elezen city's own military presence and dislike of outsiders. What they found themselves up against, however, was something no one could have anticipated. The man known as Redwall was unlike anything they'd encountered as a unit previously; somehow blessed with unnatural strength, moved with uncanny speed and mastered the art of short-range teleporation.


Returning to the Mists, licking their wounds and allowing time for recovery, discussion was held in the newly renovated war room with several key points made and further questions dragged to the fore. Just who was this Redwall, and what was it that gave him the ability to move as he did? Magitek, implants, and concentrated aether manipulation were all thought upon hypothesis. But how exactly would they be able to handle such a threat, one that inevitably labelled them? With a twenty foot sonic weapon fashioned by the magitek engineers of Ebonbrand weapons department, of course. Constructed in a design akin to a large horn with a targeted radius from it's dish, the weapon would emit a timed blast of sonic energy at a frequency pitched to inflict pain and disorient. The time drew near for confrontation...


Redwall was a difficult man to track, but not an impossible one. Regardless of prowess, all living things left an imprint in the world around them; be it eating, breathing or excreting. Thus, located in the deserts of Thanalan, their enemy had constructed a single man camp for himself. Waiting. Biding his time. It was nightfall when the Ebonbrand forces moved into position, under orders to bring back this 'enigma' for 'a friendly chat'. The weapon proved a success, despite it's slow recharge time, yet even with formulated earplugs our heroes themselves were not immune to it's effects. Blood spilled on the sand that eve, and it was not only the enemy who suffered damage when he burst from glass cocoon that caged him. With the severance of his leg, Redwall went down and was carted back to home base with the company wounded.


Following the events of "Operation Redwall", the company workshop has found itself a new 'visitor'. For a time, bound in rope and teetering on the edge of consciousness, the dark-haired midlander remained restrained in it's furthest corner to endure his injury. Blood stained the ground around his person, secured with chain to wooden chair with one leg reduced to a stump just above the knee and administered minimal treatment in preparation for the interrogation to come. Ebonbrand had a man for such, and he went by the name 'Frost'. Yet for all his experience, and despite the removal of two of his fingers, Redwall proved to have a flair for pageantry. At least up until the point his agonized screams echoed throughout the hold with the shatter of his remaining kneecap, marked by Keimo's bullet. Though they gained little that day beyond the ramblings that a traitor was within their midst, such was hardly ever revealed in the first session and their captive was left to ripen for additional days.


It seemed, however, that the brazen threats Redwall had made about leaving were more than mere bluffs. Somehow the midlander had found the strength to simply... disappear. Evidently, even should the man be able to walk it was near impossible that he would simply be able to move past secured holdings and stroll out guarded door. Could this perhaps have something to do with the man's penchant for acts of teleportation? Regardless of reasoning, it could not be denied that the captive was no longer contained and wherever he had gone, assuredly he was plotting and planning their downfall in the most poetic way imaginable.


So it was that members of Ebonbrand found themselves at the ruins of Qarn at the edge of the landscape that housed the refugee camp of Little Ala Mhigo. Redwall had been sighted within the rubble, and this time there would be no holding back for want of capture. With weapons drawn and at the ready, the small task force weaved their way throughout the crumbled ruins to close in on Redwall's position amidst the crackle of aetherical energy that clapped like thunder through the air. At the source of that visible, rippling power, one that grew stronger as they approached, was the man himself rooted to the spot and anchored by black ichor that dripped from lips and maw simultaneously. He spoke as poetically as ever before, accusing those present of being parasites that drained the world around them and infected life like a poison.


As Redwall invoked the power of an carving in hand, one that resembled an eye-like design, Ebonbrand made quick decision that the damage to the surrounding ruins would be worth the prevention of whatever it might be that had the possibility of being released then and there. Alas, with a flash of blinding light as the party moved to attack, Redwall was gone with naught but the carved rune left standing in his place. Such an important trinket could hardly be left there in the open.... right? So it was that Frost reached for the carving, daring to take it into Ebonbrand custody. At the elezen's touch, however, the eye itself was activated and one by one they found themselves succumbing to the grip of vaporous black tendrils that elicited overwhelming pain for several moments before fading to be absorbed into their bodies without a trace. Whatever it was that had tainted them was at this point unknown, but it certainly didn't bode well and only time would tell, exactly, how they would be affected...


With the rune encased in glass, the team were left reeling and in shock from the effects they had endured. Needless to say this, however, proved the perfect time for lurking enemy to strike. From across the ruins, gunshot sounded; bullet embedded into the stone wall a mere ilm from the head of Ebonbrand's leader, Septimus. It was truly one of those days for the militant task force whom scurried for cover from the magitek sniper. With several attempts on the life of their boss, the group united and swiftly took down the offending assassin. Leaving her alive as ordered by the man himself, the woman was transported back to Ebonbrand Headquarters, taking the place of the escaped Redwall in the holding cell.


More questions than answers were received that day. Just who was this silent assassin and what was her connection to Redwall? Was it purely coincidence, or something more? What was the mysterious tendril that had taken root in the bodies of those present? How exactly would they be affected by it, if at all?

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[ Operation Highroller ]

A high stakes, high reward gambling initiative brought to you by Ebonbrand Teknoworks.[/align]


This Thursday marks the trial run for the first event in Ebonbrand's S.O.A ('Social Outreach Agenda'), a new initiative brought on by the remodel of the company headquarters and the ever present need to forget the world at the tip of one's blade, if only for one night. Forgoing the popularity of dance and song to take form as one of Eorzea's leading causes for bankruptcy and debt, the initiative labelled "Operation Highroller" is an upper-class, yet distinctly laid back program for mature patrons inclusive of gambling, competition, and alcohol consumption. Should the evening be deemed a success, the possibility of opening the lounge to the public on a monthly basis will be reviewed. Until such a time, Operation Highroller remains an invite only exclusive.



[OOC - A short note! We're currently testing the waters to see how an event like this would work in regards to numbers in a medium-sized house, activities and the rolls/games themselves to work out any kinks before we decide on whether or not it's an initiative that will stick! Thankfully, we're working alongside some other FCs and some lovely volunteers who are willing to share their time. Please stay tuned for more information!]

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