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Hi there!

Quale Fennim

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Hey! I'm new to the game but not to roleplay itself! I've been on forums and other games for the past six years and I'm excited to get into a new community. I am purchasing the game for my ps4 very soon so I have no character made up just yet and my friend has been telling me the RP server is pretty hard to get into. I do plan on getting started and actually playing the game by next week at the latest so I hope to see any and all of you soon! If there is any tips I should know please feel free to tell me I would appreciate it! Hope to meet you all soon x3

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Hello new person!


Tips, tips, tips...


Getting into the server: Best way to do so is make a character on an open server, level it for a few levels (you have to wait 3 days regardless so you may as well!) and then pay $18 to transfer it over to Balmung or Gilgamesh.  :)


You sound like you are familiar with roleplay so the only other tip I have for you is to have fun and immerse yourself in the lore!  :)

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