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DYD: Solo Emotes?


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Honestly, it depends on how the person who does this goes about it. If they create opportunities for interaction, I'm really cool with this method of initiating. However if they are just sitting there in a corner /sighing or playing with their food or something and the only way for me to approach them seems like something my character just wouldn't do, then I get kind of annoyed.


Like the more assertive methods, this more passive method to attract RP is still a method to attract RP. You can't just literally sit there emoting how your character is reading quietly in a corner or just staring at others and expect people to RP with you. Make an opportunity for someone else to take advantage of.


Things like accidentally ordering 2 drinks, or having more boxes to carry than you have hands, or other situations for other people to jump into. Standing there just makes you look very lazy, like you don't want to put forth the effort to get RP, but you want all of the payoff when someone else goes out of there way for you.

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I've discovered the best way to start an RP of Thoreaux is to slam (not actually slam, but its heavy as fuck) his tome down on the bar and open it up to something random (actual example: "an arcanist might recognize the diagrams as scrying formulae") and when someone either stares at him or, twelve forbid, reads over his shoulder,


"There a problem?" and then I hope there isn't a problem because I oocly detest bar fights BUT I WILL LAY THE SMACKDOWN.

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