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Looking for RP

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Hey there. Just heard about this place, and thought I'd give it a shot. 


Looking for people to RP with on Hyperion. I have a quick character sheet on my profile, so feel free to check that out, and if my character's something you're interested in, let me know! Hopefully looking for an RP partner for long-term, with romance. No sexual preference.



Also, if anyone knows of any RP linkshells around here, I'd love to get an invite! I love Hyperion, but man... SO DEAD.

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Welcome to the RPC!


I hope your shout-out finds someone.


I would otherwise suggest a server transfer to Balmung (or Gilgamesh) many have gone this route and not looked back. Alternatively there are a couple of other servers trying to get some RP working and having some success.


You could try to create a new character on Blamung but you have to catch it when it is open for new characters.

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Thank you so much!


I've thought about a transfer, but it would be hard. I'm co-leader of a large FC, and a raid leader, and I can't leave my friends behind. I did make an alt on Gilga, but the thought of doing aaaaaaaall that work again really turns me off. It's a predicament. ): I wish Squeenix had a copy character feature for transfers instead of either a full-on transfer, or starting over. I'd pay all the money.

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