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Wayfarer's Rest

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Ello everyone!


While it is not officially open for business, I wanted to throw out that any and all are invited to stop by our FC house if anyone would be in need of forming a connection, looking for a close knit Free Company, or just looking for RP in general.


It is ran as an Inn/Tavern, but staff has not yet been hired to run the restaurant or serve drinks. But! If anyone would like to stop by and be greeted by friendly occupants for a drink or just a chat, feel free to stop in. If you are in need of a place to further a plot we are happy to accommodate as well!


We are really just wanting to reach out the community, especially those new to RP or the server, and give them a place to meet a few folks; of course this is still an outreach to those who might not be new, but would still like to have a few more friends.


We are at plot 58 of Ward 6 in the Goblet. You can find our incomplete RPC page here!


The lot of us are usually on in the evenings. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.


Peace be with you all!

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I just swung by but looks like I missed ya'll, maybe next time.


Sorry to hear that Kahn. I was actually out myself, didn't feel well yesterday afternoon, but I heard a few people did stop by. If you missed us it wasn't by much. I hope to see you sometime soon. : )

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I just swung by but looks like I missed ya'll, maybe next time.


Sorry to hear that Kahn. I was actually out myself, didn't feel well yesterday afternoon, but I heard a few people did stop by. If you missed us it wasn't by much. I hope to see you sometime soon. : )


Don't be, it was my fault.


I thought I could be there around 10-10:30 but instead I was up till 11pm trying to convince my 6 month old that she did in fact need to sleep, not stay up all night visiting with her daddy lol.

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Did you drop by the house? I spoke to a member that was on and they were still going until 11:30 eastern.


Either way, we look forward to seeing you when you are able to make it. : )


Yes I even walked outside to double check the address.

Now I did only stand in the foyer and went down the stairs. I didn't check any of the private rooms or anything like that

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