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Shroud hermit Keeper seeking fishing partners

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Hello! Lali'to here! I've been aching for some laid-back, casual fishing RP.


Just two people, fishin'. Chillin'. Nothing more, nothing less.


If this sounds like something you're interested in, shoot me a PM here or in-game, or reply to this thread!


Thanks for reading!

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Hey, I would fish with ya!


Masaki is also a Keeper from the Shroud and he knows how to fish. I also play another Keeper named Trowa Tinne, who's a Shroud recluse beastmaster who knows how to fish. Feel free to send me a /tell in game on Masaki Moui, or if I happen to be on Trowa Tinne, either is fine. I'm on PST but I can be online during the day. You can also send me a PM here as well.

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Hi Masaki! I'll definitely hit you up at some point this week.


And for everyone, not specifically you Masaki, I'd like to add that this is not an invitation for erp.


Apparently that needs to be said.


Well damn, I even had some tunes picked out...


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LOL @ SicketySix


I know it goes without saying but: Yep same. Just looking to fish. If ERP isn't your thing, you'd be good to RP in game with any character from the Miqo'teers FC. We are more a tabletop-style roleplay team than anything else. (On our board, we play largely with traditional dice-campaign elements like: a group meets in a tavern and they go out to slay orcs. Textbook example.)


I'm looking for Shroud buddies, people who become Masaki's friends, and who do things like fishing or protecting caravans or whatever -- stuff like that. So expect no ERP from me - besides - this tail is already spoken for! :)

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Well damn, I even had some tunes picked out...





Did it need to be said? o__O Ok i'm not really that surprised. I still need to catch you online to friend you. ^^


I didn't think it needed to, but.... yeah. And yes, I tried to catch you last night but I missed you I guess!


I'm looking for Shroud buddies, people who become Masaki's friends, and who do things like fishing or protecting caravans or whatever -- stuff like that. So expect no ERP from me - besides - this tail is already spoken for! :)


Lali'to is as good a Shroud buddy as any!


And as far as ERP goes... like... man... I don't look down on people who integrate ERP into their regular RP, hell I've done it I won't deny it, but I do not like the idea of seeking ERP over story oriented RP and character development. Lali just wants to go fishin', man.

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It's ok you caught me on today. ^^ Was having major net issues last night. Right in the middle of working out a ic job as well.. bugger all. 


Normally I'm not hard to get a hold of.. if I'm not on in game poke me on the site. :P

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Lali just wants to go fishin', man.


This! Like you have no idea. Masaki's already got rivals, enemies, family (its own headache), allies, colleagues, competitors ... His life is complex and unexpected things happen frequently.


But sometimes, a man just wants to go fishing! No moral ambiguity. No fine print. No grey areas. No complexities. Just sitting there shooting the shit with someone(s) else waiting for the fish to bite.

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Did it need to be said? o__O Ok i'm not really that surprised. I still need to catch you online to friend you. ^^

It really sounded like "Netflix and chill" sort of thing.. :)


RE: OP.. Aysun fishes a lot. Could run into each other sometime! (If you don't mind blatant, confusing racism as an introduction..)

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