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Lalafell seeking Connections

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Wiki Page: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Nanagi_Nagi

*Please Note: My wiki is almost always changing. I'm always correcting errors, adding more 'notable events', adding more photos, and changing templates.*


About Nanagi:

-Currently employed at Wayfarer's Rest

-Mercenary & Amalj'aa Hunter

-She can be cautious around people she doesn't know

-Has a curiosity for Aether, she wishes to know more about it.

-If she isn't making money off of jobs, she is making money by selling her jewlery


Where you will most likely find her:

-Ul'dah: This is where she is from and spends most of her time at.

-Ishgard: She is training to be an Astrologian, and so she is seen there more often then not.

-Mor Dhona: Lots of crystals there, a prime place to conduct her aether research


What connections I am looking for:

-Other people who are conducting research on Aether

-Other Amalj'aa hunters: It's always nice to have a hunting buddy





What I'm not looking for/interested in:


       -I'm fine if she gets involved with someone, but I want a 'fade to black'.

-Killing my character (I wont allow for my character to be killed unless it is on my terms)

[align=left]-Complete breakage of lore. (I'm fine with lore bending, as I do that sometimes)



[align=center]About Myself!:[/align]


  • I am a Medium RPer
  • My post lengths fluctuate. They can be anywhere from really short to rather lengthy
  • I am fine with In-game RP and forum RP
  • Although i'm not available as often as most, RL things are getting better and i'm now able to get on more often now then I use to.

If you are interested in RPing with me, please send me a PM! ^_^


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When I started playing FFXIV i thought, "i'll be a great RPer". I have experience with forums, and D&D/Pathfinder. I was wrong. I have a hard time approaching people, and holding a conversation. That is why I consider myself a new(ish) RPer.


My availability is unfortunately a bit limited, I recently got Heavensward, and I've been focusing a lot on leveling. My weekly schedule is a bit weird, if you wish to know more then please feel free to send me a PM, and I'll happily let you know when i'm available.




I have ONE character, her name is Nanagi Nagi.

Wiki page: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Nanagi_Nagi


If you don't wish to read the wiki, i'll happily provide a small description.


Nanagi Nagi:

  • A bit shy, and therefore has a bit of a hard time talking to people. However, once she gets a bit more comfortable with the person,she'll become a bit more a relax, and will happily continue the conversation.
  • She is a mercenary, and currently working under the Solace Company.
  • Always wearing a circlet, almost never takes it off. It obvious that the circlet has some sentimental value.

I hope that we can work something out. ^_^

I think I've seen you around in the Quicksand before, maybe?

Next time I see you I'll be sure to say hi!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, so much more info. I still need to bump into you, but I haven't had the luck to be on the same time as you. If you have a chance and can't find a walk up or RP, try coming by our tavern and see if anyone is RPing. We love meeting new people. : )

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Wow, so much more info. I still need to bump into you, but I haven't had the luck to be on the same time as you. If you have a chance and can't find a walk up or RP, try coming by our tavern and see if anyone is RPing. We love meeting new people. : )


I was by there Tavern, and tho I messed Rini here, when I was there, a FC fellows was awesome enough to jump IC for RP. So I recommend swinging by them

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Wow, so much more info. I still need to bump into you, but I haven't had the luck to be on the same time as you. If you have a chance and can't find a walk up or RP, try coming by our tavern and see if anyone is RPing. We love meeting new people. : )

Is the tavern always open? Where is it and what FC hosts it?

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We aren't always 'open' as far as the full detail of someone taking an order, serving it to you, etc. But we are almost always RPing among ourselves during the evenings. We are located in ward 6, plot 58 of the Goblet. Just walk in and take a peek downstairs and if they are in a scene feel free to either walk down and ask for service ICly or some have even emoted ringing the bell upstairs; it's up to your preference.


We happily fix warm meals for travelers that are passing through or provide friendly banter. There is actually one Au Ra woman(no names) who stops by every week or so just for a meal and we are completely fine with that. We are really about making a go to place for anyone to find RP in a friendly, peaceful setting. Everyone's past is left at the door providing you don't start trouble inside with other patrons. We are also recruiting, but it isn't required at all to jump into RP with us. In the end, our goal is to recruit more people through the community that will show up randomly until it is that go to place in which people know they can find someone who is looking for a walk-up or just a friendly, interesting scene.


This is starting to catch on with folks who drop by and we are excited that more are coming frequently. The one thing I would stress is don't be shy; We are very laid back and playful OOC and enjoy both silly and serious roleplay. If you are curious about anything else feel free to PM me or check out some of our other threads! I hope to see you soon!

Wayfarers of Eorzea Company Information

Wayfarer's Rest Information and Recruitment

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  • 2 weeks later...


  • I changed the thread title.
  • Removed things from 'recent events' and added some new ones
  • Currently looking for a possible FC

Rini Kett: (Too lazy to quote the post)

I will eventually be able to visit your tavern. Thing going on IRL prevent me from getting on a lot.

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Jujuwai still needs to get his crystals from her. If it needs to be in forum rp, so be it :P

I do apologize for the inconvenience. Since I am on the computer most of the time, RP through the forums would be much easier for me.


Just send a PM my way and we can get the crystals to Jujuwai. ^_^


She is so pretty! I will keep an eye out for her.

Thank you very much, if I happen to be on ffxiv and available, i'll be sure to send you a /tell!

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Thing going on IRL prevent me from getting on a lot.

I do not approve of this, have been trying to locate you in-game for a week now lol

Every time that I AM online, you're aren't. >.<


Chiyo has experience with Amal'jaa 'hunting,' even though she as minor connections with the brotherhood of Ash. She dislikes mercenary work, but is with the Immortal Flames.


My alt, Xanadu is also a fellow mages too. :D

I feel as though Chiyo and Nanagi would get along, even if does start off on the wrong foot.

I really like Xanadu's name. I'm not really sure why, I just do. xD


Zozomaru quite enjoys the company of other mages, is a lover of Ul'dah, and is one of the master race. They'd probably get along well. Feel free to look me up!

Since I have the time today, i'll be sure to take a look.


I have a growing linkpearl for Lalafell-based rp and content running called Shattered Shins.


If you'd like to join, I can throw you an invite?

That sounds awesome! I would love an invite, thank you very much. ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, My lil' Eunoia Anbolho is usually around Ul'dah. She's a merchant, primarily, but as it happens, she wants to get into Aetherial studies, herself! She can be a bit rough and prickly, though, fair warning. I'm still getting her wiki up >.

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I'd be more than happy to offer up Almeric for you to meet, he actually just met Rihxo.  As for introductions, he's the sort to frequent an establishment like the Wayfarer's Rest when he's in town and while he's not an Amalj'aa hunter exclusively he's had to slay a fair few of their number in his time as a sellsword and he would probably be more than happy to tell you all about it over an mug or five of ale.

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Going to add you to the list of people I just have to meet. You sound like a lot of fun and if we end up not getting along I've got a great recipe for Lalafell Stew.

I would prefer to not be in stew. >.<

I meant to rply to your thread, but I kept forgetting. I am lucky that you replied to mine. (Your character is really pretty btw!)


Hey, My lil' Eunoia Anbolho is usually around Ul'dah. She's a merchant, primarily, but as it happens, she wants to get into Aetherial studies, herself! She can be a bit rough and prickly, though, fair warning. I'm still getting her wiki up >.<

Nanagi would be more then thrilled to share her information and collaborate with another researcher, even if they don't get along at first. I do hope we can work something out.


I'd be more than happy to offer up Almeric for you to meet, he actually just met Rihxo.  As for introductions, he's the sort to frequent an establishment like the Wayfarer's Rest when he's in town and while he's not an Amalj'aa hunter exclusively he's had to slay a fair few of their number in his time as a sellsword and he would probably be more than happy to tell you all about it over an mug or five of ale.

Well, Almeric will be the only one drinking any ale. Nanagi isn't much of a drinker and doesn't like ale. She is more of a wine person when it comes to alcohol. I think they would have a great time at the Wayfarer's.

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